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The NLM Catalog 2005 MLA Annual Conference Diane Boehr National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The NLM Catalog 2005 MLA Annual Conference Diane Boehr National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NLM Catalog 2005 MLA Annual Conference Diane Boehr National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

2 Two ways to access bibliographic data at NLM LocatorPlus –Voyager ILS NLM Catalog –Entrez




6 Direct link

7 NLM Catalog Same functionality as PubMed and other Entrez databases –Simple searching –Phrase searching –Boolean operators –Use of qualifiers to search specific fields –Ability to limit searches –Ability to view and reuse previous searches –Use of truncation and wildcards

8 Unique features of the NLM Catalog compared to LocatorPlus Term mapping to equivalent MeSH heading Automatic term explosion when your entry matches a MeSH heading Ability to view how your terms were searched No limit on number of records retrieved


10 Use of qualifiers There are 28 field limit qualifiers available Many are identical to those used in PubMed and retrieve the same type of information

11 Shared Qualifiers [all]All fields [au]Author [cn]Corporate name (plus conferences) [mh]*MeSH term [majr]*MeSH Major topic [sh]*MeSH subheading [ot]Other term [ps]Personal name as subject *all may be used with :noexp

12 Shared qualifiers –[la]Language –[pl]Place of publication –[pt]Publication type –[dp]Publication date (year only) –[ta]Journal title abbreviation –[ti]Title –[sb]Filter





17 Qualifiers unique to NLM Catalog –[itag]Abstract/Index tags –[fau]Full author name –[item]Item type –[jo]Journal title (full or abbreviated) –[nlmid]NLM unique ID –[olio]Note fields –[other num]Other standard numbers

18 Qualifiers unique to NLM Catalog [fps]Personal full name as subject [status]Publication status [publ]Publisher [res type]Resource type [ser]Series [url]URL






24 Use of limits You may restrict your search to a specific –Field –Language –Material type –Publication date or date range



27 Display options Several options: –Brief –Summary –XML –Expanded –Subject –Full

28 Brief display

29 Summary view

30 Expanded view

31 Subject view

32 XML view

33 Using the NLM Catalog vs. LocatorPlus LocatorPlus –has authority control of name and title headings and a cross-reference structure –is updated in real time –includes current information on NLM’s holdings, orders, and an item’s circulation status –Retrieval limited to 10,000 citations

34 Using the NLM Catalog vs. LocatorPlus NLM Catalog –can explode MeSH terms and keywords that map to MeSH –Has no citation retrieval limit –is updated daily

35 Use the NLM Catalog Your search is likely to retrieve over 10,000 citations You wish to explode on MeSH headings You wish to identify or search primary subjects You are certain of the name of the author or organization You wish to view or use bibliographic records in XML format You are searching a known item

36 Use LocatorPlus You are unsure of the exact name used by the author or organization responsible You are interested in NLM’s holdings or the circulation status of a title You wish to view or use bibliographic records in MARC 21 format You wish to view or use authority records for names and titles

37 Getting to L+ from NLM Catalog Click on NLM Holdings in LocatorPlus button Click on NLM UI hotlink in the bib record Click on Links on the right side of the screen


39 For more information –View any of the topics on left of the screen under Entrez NLM Catalog

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