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One Language, Many Voices Shahraz Kureishi Achebe Lessing Ngugi Narayan Rushdie Maugham.

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2 One Language, Many Voices

3 Shahraz Kureishi Achebe Lessing Ngugi Narayan Rushdie Maugham

4 The British Empire: Extension 1937 The cumulative maximum extension of all British colonies and dominions

5 The Authors born 1857 in Russia 1886 British nationality 1890 Congo expedition 1897 “An Outpost of Progress“ Joseph Conrad

6 The Authors Somerset Maugham born 1874 in Paris 1884 orphan in London extensive travels through East Asia 1926 “The Force of Circumstance“

7 The Authors George Orwell born 1903 in India schooling in England service in the Imperial Police in Burma living in France, Britain, Spain 1936 “Shooting an Elephant“

8 The Authors Doris Lessing born 1919 in Persia 1925 family settles in Rhodesia 1949 move to England 1951 “The Second Hut“

9 The Authors Chinua Achebe born 1930 in Nigeria Living and working in Nigeria teaching at American universities 1953 “Dead Men‘s Path“

10 The Authors R. K. Narayan born 1906 in Madras learns English at Christian school famous for extensive literary production in English 1965 “A Horse …“

11 The Authors Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o born 1938 in Kenya studies in Uganda and England working and lecturing in USA and Kenya 1976 “A Meeting in the Dark“

12 The Authors Muriel Spark born 1918 in Edinburgh 1937 marriage in Rhodesia living and writing in Liverpool, London, New York, and Italy 1958 “The Black Madonna“

13 The Authors Salman Rushdie born 1947 in Bombay education at prestigious institutions 1989 fatwa for “The Satanic Verses“ 1987 “Good Advice…“

14 The Authors Qaisra Shahraz born 1958 in Pakistan 1967 move to Manchester activist and writer in Pakistani community 1988 “A Pair of Jeans“

15 The Authors Hanif Kureishi born 1954 in London (father Pakistani) writer of fiction and screenplays 1994 “My Son the Fanatic“

16 Empire Christmas Pudding (1910) 1 lb. of sultanas 1 lb. of stoned raisins 6 ozs. of minced apple 1 lb. of beef suet 1 lb. of demerara sugar ½ oz. of ground cinnamon ½ oz. of ground cloves 1 pinch of pudding spice 1 tbsp. of brandy 1 tbsp. of rum 1 pint of old beer 1 lb. of bread crumbs Australia South Africa Canada New Zealand West Indies Ceylon Zanzibar India Cyprus Jamaica England United Kingdom

17 Then: An Empire on which the sun never sets Now: An Island from which the fog never lifts

18 Empire Christmas Pudding (1910) 1 lb. of sultanas 1 lb. of stoned raisins 6 ozs. of minced apple 1 lb. of beef suet 1 lb. of demerara sugar ½ oz. of ground cinnamon ½ oz. of ground cloves 1 pinch of pudding spice 1 tbsp. of brandy 1 tbsp. of rum 1 pint of old beer 1 lb. of bread crumbs Australia South Africa Canada New Zealand West Indies Ceylon Zanzibar India Cyprus Jamaica England United Kingdom

19 The British Empire The Map illustrates why the British Empire (even more than the Roman Empire or the Soviet Union) was doomed: the colonies and dominions were too dispersed there were too many ethnicities, cultures, religions etc. the distances were too long, the time zones too many the bureaucratic bringing-into-line of the diverse colonies was an unrealistic endeavour The real achievements: the creation of political units where there had been none the introduction of English as the official language of administration or as lingua franca

20 Cross-Cultural Experiences Chinua Achebe Ngugi wa Thiong‘o R.K. Narayan Dead Men‘s Path A Meeting in the Dark A Horse and Two Goats

21 Acculturation: term used to describe situations where contact between a dominant and a subordinate group results in the erosion of the latter’s culture. Dominant culture Subordinate culture Contact zoneOutcome

22 Acculturation: term used to describe situations where contact between a dominant and a subordinate group results in the erosion of the latter’s culture. Dominant culture Subordinate culture Contact zoneOutcome Dead Men’s Path Michael (+ Nancy); desire to create order out of chaos Ani: traditional beliefs Schoolyard: crossroads of cultures chaos

23 Acculturation: term used to describe situations where contact between a dominant and a subordinate group results in the erosion of the latter’s culture. Dominant culture Subordinate culture Contact zoneOutcome Dead Men’s Path Michael (+ Nancy); desire to create order out of chaos Ani: traditional beliefs Schoolyard: crossroads of cultures chaos A Meeting in the Dark Stanley: preacher of salvation through the Lord Susanna: oral tradition John: cultural schizo- phrenia Self- destruction

24 Acculturation: term used to describe situations where contact between a dominant and a subordinate group results in the erosion of the latter’s culture. Dominant culture Subordinate culture Contact zoneOutcome Dead Men’s Path Michael (+ Nancy); desire to create order out of chaos Ani: traditional beliefs Schoolyard: crossroads of cultures chaos A Meeting in the Dark Stanley: preacher of salvation through the Lord Susanna: oral tradition of the tribe John: cultural schizo- phrenia Self- destruction A Horse and Two Goats The American: materialism Muni: untouchable The statue120 rupees and the statue change hands ???????

25 nach Angela Ringel-Eichinger Use of the English language: Achebe “I feel that the English language will be able to carry the weight of my African experience. But it will have to be a new English.” Cross-Cultural Experiences

26 Use of the English language: Narayan “ We are not attempting to write Anglo-Saxon English. The English language is now undergoing a process of Indianization (and) I cannot say whether this process of transmutation is to be viewed as an enrichment of the English language or a debasement of it.” Cross-Cultural Experiences

27 nach Angela Ringel-Eichinger Use of the English language:Ngugi “The domination of the people’s language by the languages of the colonising nations was crucial to the domination of the mental universe of the colonised.” Cross-Cultural Experiences

28 Racism Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists Black Madonna RaymondLou An Outpost… The Force… Shooting… Second Hut Van Heerden Orwell Makola Dead Men‘s Path Kayerts Carlier Henry Obi My Son the Fanatic Ali

29 Gender Roles Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists The Force… Second Hut Meeting in the Dark Dead Men‘s Path Black Madonna A Pair of Jeans My Son… Good Advice… Doris Malay woman Carruther‘s wife Van H.‘s wife Wamuhu Miss Rehana Miriam Lou Elizabeth Begum Nancy Bettina

30 Hybridity Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists The Force… Dead Men‘s Path A Meeting… Black Madonna A Pair of Jeans My Son the …. Good Advice… Parvez Miriam Muhammad Ali Obi John Stanley Guy Malay woman Henry Pierce An Outpost… Makola

31 Diaspora Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists An Outpost… The Force… Shooting… Second Hut Black Madonna A Pair of Jeans My Son the Fanatic Good advice… Kayerts Carlier Guy Doris Orwell Carruthers the wife Henry Pierce Oxford St. John Miss Rehana Parvez Ali Miriam‘s parents M‘s parents-i.-l.

32 Exploitation Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists An Outpost… The Force… Shooting… Second Hut A Horse … Black Madonna My Son The Fanatic

33 Religion Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists Black Madonna My Son the Fanatic A Horse … Dead Men‘s Path A Meeting … A Pair of Jeans Lou Raymond Muni Mike Village priestJohn Stanley Priest Parvez Ali Begum Miriam

34 Relation ships Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists The Force… The Second Hut Dead Men‘s Path A Meeting … Black Madonna Good Advice A Pair of Jeans My Son the Fanatic Lou - Raymond Guy - Doris G. – Malay woman Carr. – C‘s wife Van H. – his wife Michael - Nancy Stanley - Susana John - Wamuhu Parvez - Bettina Parvez – wife Ali - girlfriend Miriam - Farook Begum - Ayab Rehana - Mustafa

35 Clashing cultures Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists An Outpost … The Force … Shooting … Second Hut Dead Men‘s Path A Horse … A Meeting Black Madonna Good Advice … A Pair of Jeans My Son …

36 Language Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists A Horse and 2 Goats Good Advice … An Outpost… Shooting… Dead Men‘s Path Second Hut My Son … The Force … A Pair of Jeans

37 Centre/ Periphery Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists An Outpost … The Force … Shooting … Second Hut Dead Men‘s Path A Horse … Black Madonna Good Advice

38 Identity Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists An Outpost … The Force … Shooting … Second Hut Dead Men‘s Path A Meeting... Black Madonna A Pair of Jeans My Son … Makola Guy Orwell C‘s wife Michael Nancy John Susana Lou + Raymond Henry Miriam Parvez AliBettina

39 Colonial Hubris Minor Char. Plot explicitlyPlot implicitlyProtagonists An Outpost… The Force… Shooting… Good Advice… Guy Carlier Kayerts Orwell Second Hut Carruthers Muhammad Ali Van Heerden

40 Timeline

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