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Ashley Thomas Alex James Matt Pierce Justin McDermott.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashley Thomas Alex James Matt Pierce Justin McDermott."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashley Thomas Alex James Matt Pierce Justin McDermott

2 The Silver Bowl Overview  Our project uses simple machines.  Starts with a lever that flips a pitcher of water.  The pitcher pours water into a bowl.  Styrofoam floats up tilting the ramp.  The ball rolls down the ramp and triggers the mouse trap.  The mouse trap pulls out the dowel, and the rocks fall into the bucket.

3 Energy Conversions  Lever Gravitational potential to kinetic  Pitcher Kinetic energy transferred from lever  Water Gravitational to kinetic  Ball Gravitational potential to kinetic  Rocks Gravitational potential to kinetic

4 Design and Construction  Brainstormed and worked backwards  Used plywood, blocks of wood, bowl, pitcher, mousetrap, tray, marble, and bucket  Took 6 hours to construct  Biggest Issue: controlling weight used to move pulley

5 Conclusion  Taught us how to approach a problem and solve it as a team

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