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Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté S UDBURY -M ANITOULIN EDI 2011 EDI Results by Large Community Tammy.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté S UDBURY -M ANITOULIN EDI 2011 EDI Results by Large Community Tammy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté S UDBURY -M ANITOULIN EDI 2011 EDI Results by Large Community Tammy Turchan Data Analysis Coordinator

2 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté T ODAY ’ S P RESENTATION Today we will look at EDI data from different perspectives. – DSSAB and Larger Community Trends – Larger Community Comparisons This allows your Network to plan at different levels. – The greatest need in the DSSAB – The greatest need in the Large Community

3 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté M ANITOULIN -S UDBURY DSSAB

4 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté D ESCRIPTION OF C HILDREN 17 children Special Needs 215 children (No S.N) 47% Girls 53% Boys 2% identified with multiple challenges 19% identified as Aboriginal 87% of children’s first language was English 8% was French 6 % English/French 5% children were in French Immersion, while 95% were not

5 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté M ANITOULIN -S UDBURY DSSAB Ontario DSSAB PHWB 12.920.5 SOC 9.38.8 EMOT 10.314.9 LGCD 9.63.7 CMGK 12.16.0 Low 1+ 28.034.4 Low 2+ 13.910.7 2011 EDI results indicate that children in the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSSAB are doing better than their Provincial peers in terms of Language/Cognitive Development and Communication/ General Knowledge, and are on par with their Social Comptence. However, their level of vulnerability in Physical Health/Well Being and Emotional Maturity is higher than the Province and indicate areas in need of improvement.

6 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté M ANITOULIN -S UDBURY DSSAB DSSAB 2005 2008 2011 Trend* PHWB 9.913.620.5  SOC  EMOT 14.414.814.9  LGCD  CMGK 8.9 6.0  Low 1+ 29.1 32.034.4  Low 2+ 9.911.210.7  *Trends that vary less than 1% are considered stable

7 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté EDI T RENDS : 2005 – 2011 B Y L ARGE C OMMUNITY

8 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté Due to small populations, towns have been organized into four large communities. They are: Manitoulin Island Gore Bay, Wikwemikong, Little Current, Manitowaning, Tehkummah, Mindemoya, Spring Bay, Providence Bay, Evansville, Kagawong, Sheguiandah, Meldrum Bay, Sheshegwaning, Silver Water, MChigeeng’, Birch Island, South Bay Mouth Lacloche Espanola, Massey, Webbwood, Walford, Whitefish Falls, McKerrow, Narin Centre Sudbury East Markstay, Hagar, Alban, Noelville, Killarney, St.-Charles, Monetville, Warren Sudbury North Cartier, Chapleau, Gogama, Foleyet, Sultan, Shining Tree L ARGE C OMMUNITIES

9 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté M ANITOULIN I SLAND Ontario DSSAB Community PHWB 12.920.520.0 SOC 9.38.812.7 EMOT 10.314.920.0 LGCD CMGK Low 1+ 28.034.434.5 Low 2+ 13.910.710.9 2011 EDI results indicate that children in the Manitoulin Island communities are doing better than their District and Provincial peers in terms of Language/Cognitive Development and Communication/ General Knowledge. However, their level of vulnerability in Physical Health/Well Being, Social Competence, and Emotional Maturity is higher than the DSSAB and/or the Province and indicate areas in need of improvement.

10 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté M ANITOULIN I SLAND Community 2005 2008 2011 Trend* PHWB 16.714.120.0  SOC 11.54.712.7  EMOT 12.810.920.0  LGCD  CMGK  Low 1+ 39.7 31.3 34.5  Low 2+ 19.210.9  *Trends that vary less than 1% are considered stable

11 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté L ACLOCHE OntarioDSSAB Community PHWB 12.920.523.5 SOC 9.38.810.6 EMOT 10.314.97.1 LGCD CMGK Low 1+ 28.034.431.8 Low 2+ 13.910.710.6 2011 EDI results indicate that children in the Lacloche communities are doing better than their District and Provincial peers in terms of Emotional Maturity, Language/Cognitive Development and Communication/ General Knowledge. However, their level of vulnerability in Physical Health/ Well Being and Social Competence is higher than the DSSAB and/or the Province and indicate areas in need of improvement.

12 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté L ACLOCHE Community 2005 2008 2011 Trend* PHWB 6.511.123.5  SOC 3.28.310.6  EMOT  LGCD  CMGK  Low 1+ 21.5 33.331.8  Low 2+ 5.411.110.6  *Trends that vary less than 1% are considered stable

13 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté S UDBURY E AST OntarioDSSAB Community PHWB 12.920.57.0 SOC EMOT 10.314.920.9 LGCD CMGK Low 1+ 28.034.430.2 Low 2+ 13.910.79.3 2011 EDI results indicate that children in the Sudbury East communities are doing better than their District and Provincial peers in terms of Physical Health/Well Being, Social Competence and Communication/General Knowledge. However, their level of vulnerability in Emotional Maturity and Language/Cognitive Development is higher than the DSSAB and/or the Province and indicate areas in need of improvement.

14 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté S UDBURY E AST Community 2005 2008 2011 Trend* PHWB 10.715.87.0  SOC  EMOT 9.15.320.9  LGCD  CMGK 17.910.54.7  Low 1+ 28.6 26.330.2  Low 2+  *Trends that vary less than 1% are considered stable

15 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté S UDBURY N ORTH OntarioDSSABCommunity PHWB 12.920.531.3 SOC EMOT 10.314.918.8 LGCD CMGK Low 1+ 28.034.446.9 Low 2+ 13.910.712.5 2011 EDI results indicate that children in the Sudbury North Unorganized communities are doing better than their District and Provincial peers in terms of Social Competence. However, their level of vulnerability in Physical Health/ Well Being, Emotional Maturity, Language / Cognitive Development and Communication/General Knowledge is higher than the DSSAB and/or the Province and indicate areas in need of improvement.

16 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté S UDBURY N ORTH Community 2005 2008 2011 Trend* PHWB  SOC  EMOT 21.912.118.8  LGCD 0.0 6.3  CMGK  Low 1+ 25.0 30.346.9  Low 2+  *Trends that vary less than 1% are considered stable

17 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté EDI: C OMMUNITY C OMPARISONS B Y D OMAIN

18 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté C OMMUNITY C OMPARISONS The provincial average in PHWB is 12.9%. Higher than average vulnerability is found in: 1.Sudbury North (32 kids) 2.Lacloche (85 kids) 3.Manitoulin Island (55 kids)

19 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté C OMMUNITY C OMPARISONS The provincial average in Social Competence is 9.3%. Higher than average vulnerability is found in: 1.Manitoulin Island (55 kids) 2.Lacloche (85 kids)

20 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté C OMMUNITY C OMPARISONS The provincial average in Emotional Maturity is 10.3%. Higher than average vulnerability is found in: 1.Sudbury East (43 kids) 2.Manitoulin Island (55 kids) 3.Sudbury North (32 kids)

21 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté C OMMUNITY C OMPARISONS The provincial average in LGCD is 9.6%. All of the DSSAB Communities fall well below this average.

22 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté C OMMUNITY C OMPARISONS The provincial average in CMGK is 12.1%. Higher than average vulnerability is found in: 1.Sudbury North (32 kids)

23 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté The provincial average in Low on 1 or More Domains is 28.0%. Higher than average vulnerability is found in: 1.Sudbury North (32 kids) 2.Manitoulin Island (55 kids) 3.Lacloche (85 kids) 4.Sudbury East (30.2) C OMMUNITY C OMPARISONS

24 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté The provincial average in Low on 2 or More Domains is 13.9%. All of the DSSAB Communities fall well below this average. C OMMUNITY C OMPARISONS

25 Understanding the fabric of our community / comprendre le tissu de notre communauté N EXT U P EDI Maps (Spring 2013) EDI Report (Summer 2013) Best Start Network Report (Winter 2013) – EDI – KPS – Child Care – Best Start Hub Usage – Census 2011 – Service Inventory

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