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Presentation on theme: " A training package for local biodiversity planning Biodiversity planning Concepts and approaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 A training package for local biodiversity planning Biodiversity planning Concepts and approaches

2 © Laurent Mignaux, METL-MEDDE Spatial planning: Geographic expression of economic, social, cultural and ecological policies in society Scientific discipline, administrative technique and policy Balanced regional development Overall strategy for physical organisation of space

3 © Laurent Mignaux, METL-MEDDE

4 Constructed wetland for water purification © Laurent Mignaux, METL-MEDDE

5 Biodiversity conservation as it was: Wilderness Protected areas for nature scenery Run by central governments Planned and managed against people and their use by local communities Managed as islands National asset Paid for by the taxpayer Managed by scientists and natural resources experts

6 © Laurent Mignaux, METL-MEDDE Biodiversity conservation as it is now: Socioeconomic objectives Consideration of important services Attention to the local communities Run by many partners Ecological networks Multifunctional landscapes Community asset International concern Managed adaptively Paid for from many sources

7 26 106 sites in the EU 27 17.5% of the EU’s terrestrial area Success of protected areas

8 © Arnaud Bouissou, METL-MEDDE © Laurent Mignaux, METL-MEDDE Conversion to intensive agriculture Urban sprawl

9 © Laurent Mignaux, METL-MEDDE



12 Planning policies Municipal policies Promotional policies Policy implementation Monitoring and evidence base Mechanisms © Laurent Mignaux, METL-MEDDE




16 © Lawrence Jones Walters, ECNC

17 © Green infrastructure is a strategically planned and delivered network of high-quality green spaces and other environmental features. It should be designed and managed as a multifunctional resource capable of delivering a wide range of environmental and quality of life benefits to local communities. Green infrastructure includes forests, rivers, coastal zones, parks, eco-corridors and other natural or semi-natural features which constitute key elements for the provision of ecosystem services.

18 Multifunctional landscape © Arnaud Bouissou METL MEDDE

19 Ecological network © Laurent Mignaux, METL-MEDDE

20 By 2020, ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by establishing green infrastructure and restoring at least 15% of degraded ecosystems. Target 2 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy

21 Since 2008, more than 50% of the world population lives in cities (UNFPA) © David Monniaux, wikimedia

22 Temporary nature

23 Green roofs (Düsseldorf) © City of Düsseldorf

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