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Technical Drawing in Photonics Lesson 13 Drawing in AutoCAD. Basic drawing creation. TAMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 project „Preparation of the concerned.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Drawing in Photonics Lesson 13 Drawing in AutoCAD. Basic drawing creation. TAMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 project „Preparation of the concerned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Drawing in Photonics Lesson 13 Drawing in AutoCAD. Basic drawing creation. TAMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 project „Preparation of the concerned sectors for educational and R&D activities related to the Hungarian ELI project” Dr. Zsolt István Benkő

2 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 13 Some advantages: conceptualization is easy, modification of a drawing is easy, different types of animations are available, calculation of finished surface areas and volumes is possible, colors, fonts and other aesthetic features can be used. CAD (computer-aided design ) provides enhanced graphics capabilities.

3 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 13 The program is constantly being developed (it is version 19.1 at March 2014) and very early it became a widely-known engineering program. It has become a de facto industrial standard. A lot of new CAD- programs (general purpose or specialized) has the "likeness" of AutoCAD and use its native file formats (.dwg and.dxf). The IBM PC was introduced in August 12, 1981. Autodesk, Inc. released the first version of AutoCAD in December 1982. It was the first ever CAD (computer-aided design) program written to a PC.

4 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 13 These lessons do not intend to show completely the capabilities of AutoCAD. This and the following two lessons show only some basic drawing through examples.

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11 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 13 References 1.Ocskó Gy., Seres F.: Gépipari szakrajz, Skandi-Wald Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2004 2.Lőrincz P., Petrich G.: Ábrázoló geometria, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Rt., Budapest, 1998 3.Pintér M.: AutoCAD tankönyv és példatár, ComputerBooks, Budapest, 2006

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