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Unit Crest RCAF Logistics Col R.J. Spencer A4 Logistics 1 Canadian Air Division June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Crest RCAF Logistics Col R.J. Spencer A4 Logistics 1 Canadian Air Division June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Crest RCAF Logistics Col R.J. Spencer A4 Logistics 1 Canadian Air Division June 2015

2 Unit Crest Contents  1 Canadian Air Division (1 CAD) Mission, Vision and Priorities  Statistics  Distribution  Training and Career Cycles  Expeditionary Ops  Challenges  Initiatives  Questions

3 Unit Crest 1 CAD Mission, Vision and Priorities

4 Unit Crest 1 CAD Mission  MISSION. 1 CAD generates and employs the full spectrum of CAF integrated air power, in support of Government of Canada (GoC) interests at home and abroad.

5 Unit Crest 1 CAD Vision  Vision: 1 CAD/CANR will maximize and coordinate the distinct strengths of all RCAF capabilities, in order to generate and deliver desired air effects, both at home and abroad.  1 CAD/CANR will “fly in formation”, where each capability, as a Centre of Excellence in its own right, will work with other capabilities for the single purpose of delivering optimum air power IAW with our Command Doctrine and rooted in our ATF concept.

6 Unit Crest 1 CAD Vision  We will work hand in hand with our joint and combined partners. We will foster enduring excellence in both the air and joint domains, and be ready to play an increasingly joint leadership role.

7 Unit Crest 1 CAD Priorities  Conduct Operations  Support to our personnel and their families  Force Generation  Manage New and Existing Capabilities  Personnel Absorption  Simulation  Jointness

8 Unit Crest Statistics

9 Unit Crest  Primary Sub-Occupations  Supply  Transport  Financial Management  Human Resources  Food Services  Specialty Qualifications  ATO  Postal  Movements  QM Statistics – Officers

10 Unit Crest Statistics - Officers  Distribution approved by AMOR  Navy 18%  Air Force 35%  Army 47%  Current Distribution  Navy 19%  Air Force 33%  Army 48 %

11 Unit Crest  Primary Occupations  Supply Technician  Traffic Technician  Mobile Support Equipment Operator  Resource Management System Clerk  Postal Clerk  Cook  Specialty Qualifications  Loadmaster  Airfield Support SPV MSE Statistics – NCMs

12 Unit Crest Statistics - NCMs  Discrepancies from AMOR approved levels for RCAF uniform distribution  Approved by AMOR  Not always followed by Recruiting or Career Managers

13 Unit Crest Statistics - NCMs  RMS Navy 25% RCAF 25% Army 50% Actual Navy 18% RCAF 33% Army 49%  Supply Navy 21% RCAF 23% Army 56% Actual Navy 15% RCAF 23% Army 62%  Cook Navy 30% RCAF 19% Army 51% Actual Navy 29% RCAF 19% Army 50%  MSE Op RCAF 35% Army 65% Actual RCAF 26% Army 74%  Tfc Tech RCAF 72% Army 28% Actual RCAF 71% Army 29%

14 Unit Crest Distribution

15 Unit Crest 15 9 Wing Gander 19 Wing Comox 4 Wing Cold Lake 17 Wing Winnipeg 22 Wing North Bay 8 Wing Trenton 1 Wing Kingston 3 Wing Bagotville 5 Wing Goose Bay 12 Wing Shearwater 14 Wing Greenwood 11 Wings 18,150 mil and civ pers 300 + aircraft RCAF Distribution - Domestic

16 Unit Crest Training and Career Cycles

17 Unit Crest Training and Career Cycles - Officers  Immediately after graduation posted to a Wing  Expected to complete specialty OJT packages  Expected rotation between Sections within Sqn (Sup, Tn, HR, Fin)  Complete AFOD & CFJOD

18 Unit Crest Training and Career Cycles - Officers  While at Wing during first tour, return to CFLTC Borden for phase training  LOCC – Logistics Officer Common Course  LOCA – Logistics Officer Common Air  Specialty  Professional Designations  Consider after first three assignments

19 Unit Crest Training and Career Cycles - Officers  1 st Tour: Lt/Capt (4-6 yrs)  Posted to Wing  Unit/Branch employment  Deploy (MSE)  2 nd Tour: Capt (4-6 yrs)  Posted to L1/L2/L3 HQ (RCAF, Joint)  Sqn/Unit (Fighter, Air Mobility, Tac Avn, ISR, MH, Tac Avn, 2 Air Mov Sqn, 3, CSU, 4 CFMCU, etc.)  Deploy (MSE, Sqn/Unit)

20 Unit Crest  3 rd Tour: Maj (3 yrs)  Posted to Wing, L1/L2/L3 HQ (RCAF, Joint)  CO Position (RCAF, Joint)  WCompt, 4 CFMCU, WLEO (small Wing), 2 CAD HQ CO  JCSP  Deploy (A-Staff, MSE) / OUTCAN  4 th Tour: LCol (3 yrs)  Posted to L1/L2/L3 HQ (RCAF, Joint, Corporate )  CO Position (RCAF, Joint)  WLEO, W Admin O, CO 2 Air Mov Sqn, CO CFSD  Deploy (A-Staff, Joint) / OUTCAN Training and Career Cycles - Officers

21 Unit Crest  Little variation from past practice  Uniform assigned at Recruiting Centre  After QL3 training, uniform colour does not guarantee posting to environment  Normal QL5, QL6, etc. training cycle between/leading up to promotion  Expectation from Trade Advisors and Branch that NCMs will rotate between environments at various rank levels, regardless of uniform colour Training and Career Cycles - NCMs

22 Unit Crest  Continued cross-environmental employment has had increasingly negative impact on RCAF operations  RCAF tasks/positions becoming increasingly specialized  trade experience in areas of importance diluted and degraded  corresponding performance reduction within RCAF environment negatively impacting RCAF operations Training and Career Cycles - NCMs

23 Unit Crest  Branch, Trade Advisor and Career Manager approach to training, development and career management of trades not meeting RCAF operational requirements  Traffic Technicians/Loadmasters  MSE Ops  RCAF investment of training time and training dollars being wasted  No correlation between training delivered within RCAF (i.e. Loadmaster, SNIC Ops) and employment in other environments) Training and Career Cycles - NCMs

24 Unit Crest  Issue has attention of incoming Comd RCAF  Perception that Branch is unresponsive to RCAF operational requirements (i.e. Loadmaster)  Desire to instigate RCAF command and operator driven change Training and Career Cycles - NCMs

25 Unit Crest Expeditionary Operations

26 Unit Crest Expeditionary Ops - Domestic WComd Flying Sqns WOpsOWLEO WTEMEO WReplenO WTISO WCEO WAdmOWCompt Comd 1 CAD CAOC HQ Staff CO’s Centralized Control Decentralized Execution


28 Unit Crest  20 Jul 2007 - MND announced creation of 2 Wing, a trained and AEW in Bagotville with up to 550 pers Expeditionary Ops – Air Expeditionary Wing (AEW)

29 Unit Crest  Command Element (Comd Elm)  Air Detachment(s) (Air Dets)  Operations Support Element (OSE)  Mission Support Element (MSE) ACC/ACCE Operational Level Tactical Level AEW Comd Air Det OSEMSE Expeditionary Ops – Air Task Force (ATF) Air Logistics

30 Unit Crest Expeditionary Ops - ATF Capabilities Air Logistics

31 Unit Crest MSE OSE AEW Comd Air Det OSEMSE Air Det Expeditionary Ops – ATF High Readiness (HR) Air Logistics

32 Unit Crest 99 All Ranks (7, 20, 72) Scaleable to task 99 All Ranks (7, 20, 72) Scaleable to task Expeditionary Ops - MSE

33 Unit Crest  Primacy of operations  Deploy, deploy, deploy  Major international operations since 2010 with heavy RCAF participation:  Op ATHENA/ASSISTANCE (Afghanistan)  Op HESTIA (Haiti)  Op MOBILE (Libya)  Op REASSURANCE (Romania/Lithuania)  Op IMPACT (Iraq/Syria) Expeditionary Ops – Air Logistics

34 Unit Crest  Readily deployable, mission-focused air logisticians  3x ATFs with MSEs generated in 2014  Op REASSURANCE (with re-location from Romania to Lithuania)  Op IMPACT (Kurdish weapon resupply)  Op IMPACT (Iraq) Expeditionary Ops – Air Logistics

35 Unit Crest  1x ATF with MSE generated in 2015  Op IMPACT Roto 1 (Iraq/Syria)  1 more ATFs scheduled for deployment in 2015  Op IMPACT Roto 2 (Iraq/Syria) Expeditionary Ops – Air Logistics

36 Unit Crest Challenges

37 Unit Crest Challenges - Contracting  Apparent surge in Contracting Irregularities at Sqn/Unit and Wing levels  Active involvement of Contracting SMEs lacking in many cases  Partial payment authorization limits  Confirming orders > Comd 1 CAD’s DOA to ADM(Mat) to approve  Tactical level relationships between Wings and local business/industry damaged with long wait times for resolution

38 Unit Crest Challenges – Material Accountability  Wings must comply with a wide range of MA&S policies and procedures  Degradation to Material Accountability capabilities at Wing level  Harvesting of Logistics (Supply) positions  Loss of stocktaking cells  Cyclical stocktaking programs lapsed  Higher operational priorities  Materiel Attestation and CG Compliance Program requirements and reporting demands increased

39 Unit Crest Challenges – Sqn Log/Admin Os  Should coord all log aspects of Ex/Op planning for Sqn/Unit, incl contracting  Operator/Command cultural change required  Number of Contracting Irregularities/Confirming Orders, SI’s and support issues from recent Exs/Ops confirms Sqn Log Os/Admin Os NOT being used properly  Must bring Sqn Log Os/Sqn Admin Os into planning and decision making cycle; incorporate into recces and TO&Es

40 Unit Crest Challenges – 12 Wing SLA  1996 Service Level Agreement (SLA) between 12 Wing and Formation Halifax undermined over time  imposed personnel and financial resource reductions at CFB Halifax  12 Wing declining ability to efficiently force generate  imminent converging pressures of CH124 disposal and the launch of the CH148  Renewal of the SLA as a top priority for both the RCAF and the RCN.

41 Unit Crest Challenges – FG Air Logistics Officer Capability  Insufficient FG RCAF Log Officers (quality/quantity) to sustain RCAF operations/commitments long term  Insufficient and decreasing trend of RCAF Majors  Log capability deficiencies at Wings (leadership vacancies)  LCol demographic challenge  Lack of promotions for RCAF Majors & LCols  Shortage of Wing Log leadership hindering mentoring & development of junior officers  Lack of junior officer positions / entry level positions  Cultural challenges (e.g. posting avoidance / Comd avoidance)  Deleterious effects to RCAF Succession Planning

42 Unit Crest Challenges – FG Air Logistics Officer Capability

43 Unit Crest Challenges – FG Air Logistics Officer Capability  Other contributing factors:  Deficiencies of singular Joint Logistics Merit Boards  RCAF geographical dispersion / isolated locations  RCAF PER Methodology & Application  CC3 Logistics Structure (lack of junior officer positions)  Succession Planning / Cultural challenges  Future prognosis  Demographics indicate situation will continue to deteriorate  Current structure of Joint Logistics Merit Boards will continue to degrade RCAF Log capacity  Reinvestment in RCAF logistics capability required

44 Unit Crest MWO2010MWO2011MWO2012 CC1CC2CC3Other CC1CC2CC3Other CC1CC2CC3Other Navy3000 9101 3202 Army0716 01707Army0502 RCAF0011 0022 0201 WO2010WO2011WO2012 CC1CC2CC3Other CC1CC2CC3Other CC1CC2CC3Other Navy5002 7001 4000 Army016212Army120116Army01318 RCAF0411 2523 2222 Sgt2010Sgt2011Sgt2012 CC1CC2CC3Other CC1CC2CC3Other CC1CC2CC3Other Navy3106 8407 7403 Army232316Army241419Army132515 RCAF1337 1768 3041 Supply Tech Promotions Challenges – FG Air Logistics NCM Capability

45 Unit Crest  Potential COAs  Active involvement by W Comds/COs to acknowledge this situation and readily accept waivers to right dress some PERs for the “purple” trades.  Running separate formation level boards for “purple” trades.  Status quo  Potential Outcomes  Increase the number of CC3 Log trade promotions  Remove the competition with hard RCAF trades only employed within the RCAF  Continue to see the other CCs promote at a much higher rate, with subsequent operational and career impacts Challenges – FG Air Logistics NCM Capability

46 Unit Crest Initiatives

47 Unit Crest  Revitalized RCAF  New aircraft in service  CC177 Globemaster III (5 th CC177)  CC130J Hercules  CH147F Chinook  CH-149 Cormorant  New aircraft arriving  CH-148 Cyclone Initiatives

48 Unit Crest Initiatives - Contracting  RCAF Contracting Cell approved by Comd on 31 Mar 15  Pan-RCAF study on wing-level contracting SME (standardization)  Awareness Sessions / Contract WGs at Wing (WCompt and W Repl O)  Aide-memoire on contracting at Sqn level (Operator focussed)  Increase in Procurement Initiation Authority

49 Unit Crest Initiatives – Material Accountability  Wings mandated to complete cyclical stocktaking IAW TB policy  Cyclical stocktaking program had lapsed  NSI being used to augment Wing efforts  Re-establishment of Wing Stocktaking Cells  RCAF Materiel Accountability Action Plan (MAAP) mandates the reestablishment of standardized stocktaking cells at the Wing level.

50 Unit Crest Initiatives – Sqn Log/Admin Os  Introduction of:  Standardized nomenclature (Sqn Log O)  Still staffed by primarily Sup, Tn and HR officers  Standardized TORs  Standardized training  Introduction of deliberate, mandatory Contracting, Operational Procurement Finance and QM courses

51 Unit Crest Initiatives – Aircraft Spares  Advanced Spares Optimization Initiative (ASOI)  Intro of revised Unsat HPR form  Reintroduction of HPR clerks  Standardization of HPR procedures  Consolidation of CC115 Buffalo and CC138 Twin Otter spares

52 Unit Crest Initiatives – 12 Wing SLA  Establish Service Level Agreement (SLA) for 12 Wing  Address 12 Wg Comd concerns WRT lack of SLA with CFB Halifax and current support gaps  Conducted on-site “Needs Analysis” with 12 Wg and CFB Halifax staff over 01 -10 Jun period.  Expectation Management  CFB Halifax  12 Wing Shearwater

53 Unit Crest Initiatives – SAVs  SAVs  Two year cyclical program to visit all Wings  Augmented by issue-focused SAVs

54 Unit Crest  Intent: RCAF logistics capability with an effective and sustainable force structure composed of professional, knowledgeable and motivated RCAF logisticians to support the RCAF mission / operations / commitments within an employment model that is well understood by all stakeholders.  Strategic End-State: Force Generate effective RCAF Logistics leaders to support RCAF operations, joint/corporate requirements and senior institutional leadership roles. Initiatives – RCAF Campaign Plan Air Logistics Officer FG

55 Unit Crest CREDIBILITY Insufficient RCAF Log Officers with competencies & experience to support Ops & institutional reqts Force Generate effective RCAF Logistics leaders to support RCAF operations, joint/corp reqts and Sr institutional leadership roles LOO3: Succession Planning LOO5: Communication Strategy LOO2: Career Development Framework / Employment Path Model C3 C2 C1 B4 B3 B2 B1 CofGEnd-State Obj 1 Objective 1: Sustainable Force Structure to support RCAF Operations Objective 2: RCAF LOG Career development/employment path model driven by competencies, leadership and succession plan Objective 3: Succession Planning Strategy implemented across RCAF to monitor/mentor RCAF LOG leaders Objective 4: Motivated and professional RCAF Logistics Officers Objective 5: Institutional support for RCAF Logistics Officer Force Generation reqts Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Ph1: Ph2:Ph3: A1 LOO1: Force Structure LOO: A2 A3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 E1 E2E3 LOO4: Human Capital Retention C9 D1D2 Initiatives – RCAF Campaign Plan Air Logistics Officer FG

56 Unit Crest Initiatives - RCAF Log Governance Framework  RCAF Logistics Senate  Campaign Plan Steering Committee  RCAF Logistics Council  Core membership for Campaign Plan WG  Note: role of Air Log Co-Advisor to represent RCAF LOG issues to LOG Branch  RCAF Logistics Trade Advisory Group  Focus on NCM logistics occupations  Future engagement on FG of NCM logistics occupations

57 Unit Crest Questions?

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