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ECOLOGY REVIEW. What is the vocab word?! The full range of biotic and abiotic conditions in which an organism lives and the way it uses those conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "ECOLOGY REVIEW. What is the vocab word?! The full range of biotic and abiotic conditions in which an organism lives and the way it uses those conditions."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the vocab word?! The full range of biotic and abiotic conditions in which an organism lives and the way it uses those conditions Niche

3 Decide whether this population is experiencing slow growth, rapid growth, or no growth (carrying capacity). A population of pine beetles are treated with a pesticide that reduces the population so that there are only 10 surviving individuals. The pesticide wears off. Slow Growth (Because there is a low number of reproducing beetles).

4 What is the vocab word?! All living organisms and their physical environment. Ecosystem

5 What is the vocab word?! All of the populations of different organisms living in a specific area. Community

6 What is the vocab word?! Living factors that affect an ecosystem. Biotic

7 What is the vocab word?! One organisms captures and feeds on another. Predation

8 What is the vocab word?! Competition between organisms of different species. Interspecific Competition

9 Name 1 Secondary Consumer? Spiders, Toads, Skunks, Mice, Coyote, Owls

10 What is the vocab word?! Relationship between organisms of different species than can benefit both or one of the organisms. Symbiosis

11 What is the vocab word?! Nonliving factors that affect an ecosystem Abiotic

12 Secondary Consumers eat what? Primary Consumers.

13 What is Nitrogen Fixation? The process by which free nitrogen in the atmosphere is changed into nitrogen compounds that can be used by living things.

14 What is the vocab word?! When a population initially grows exponentially, then slows and stops growing when resources become limited. Logistical Growth

15 What is the vocab word?! The branch of Biology that studies interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical environment. Ecology

16 How are biotic and abiotic factors different? Biotic factors = living things Abiotic factors = nonliving things

17 What is the vocab word?! When a population has unlimited resources and grows at a constant rate and time. Exponential Growth

18 What’s Missing? Sun _________ & Plansts ____________________ __Plants____ _______ Cellular Respiration Dead Organisms __________ Combustion Photosynthesis Oxygen Animals Decay Fuel Carbon Dioxide

19 What is the vocab word?! Organisms that must obtain their food from their environment. Heterotrophs

20 Why would a quaternary consumer have less biomass than a primary consumer? Because the pyramid of biomass shows that the total amount of biomass (living tissue) decreases with each tropic level.

21 What is the vocab word?! Relationship between organisms where one benefits and the other is neither benefitted nor harmed. Commensalism

22 What does a food chain show? The simplest feeding relationship through which food energy is passed.

23 At what point does this population reach carrying capacity? “D”

24 How are food chains and webs related? Food webs are many food chains connected at different points.

25 How does energy flow through an ecosystem? In a straight line! (From producer, to consumer, to decomposer)

26 Primary consumers are what? Herbivores or Omnivores that consumer the producers.

27 Omnivores and Carnivores that consumer tertiary consumers? Quaternary Consumers

28 Why would a quaternary consumer have less energy than a secondary consumer? Because the 10% rule says only 10% of the energy gets passed on to the next tropic level as you move up the feeding chain.

29 How does matter move through an ecosystem? In a cycle.

30 Tertiary Consumers eat what? Secondary Consumers.

31 What is denitrification? The process of breaking down nitrogen compounds back into free nitrogen so that it can be returned to the atmosphere.

32 What is the vocab word?! The maximum number of individuals that an environment can support is called: Carrying Capacity

33 What type of population growth is shown? Logistic

34 What is Succession? The series of changes that occur in a community over time.

35 What is Primary Succession? Changes that occur on surfaces where there is no soil.

36 What is the vocab word?! Organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Autotrophs

37 What is Secondary Succession? Changes that occur on a surface where is there is soil.

38 Name 1 Primary Consumer? Insects, Skunks, Chipmunks, Coyote, Deer

39 The first species to populate an area? Pioneer Species

40 What would be the immediate effect of taking out the green plants? The whole web would collapse because they are the sole producers.

41 What are the different communities called which exist between pioneer species and a climax community in a population experiencing succession? Seral Community

42 Two elephant seals are fighting for mating ground. What type of community interaction is occurring? Intraspecific Competition

43 Fleas are biting a dog. What type of community interaction is occurring? Symbiosis (Parasitism)

44 What type of population growth is shown? Exponential

45 What are the three stages for how a population grows over time in a logistic growth curve? 1. Initially there is slow growth because there are only a few individuals for reproduction. 2. Then the population experiences exponential growth because there is an abundance of resources. 3. As the population gets larger, resources become limited and the population reaches carrying capacity and stops growing.

46 What is the vocab word?! Competition between organisms of the same species. Intraspecific Competition

47 Name 1 Tertiary Consumer? Snakes, Coyotes, Skunks, Toads, Owls

48 State the Competitive Exclusion Principle? No two species can occupy the exact same niche, in the same area at the same time.

49 What is the effect of 2 species occupying the same niche in an ecosystem? There will be competition because the organisms will be competing for the same limited resources.

50 Decide whether this population is experiencing slow growth, rapid growth, or no growth (carrying capacity). A population of sea stars in the Yaquina Head tidepools experience an earthquake that reduces the population numbers. The earthquake ends. Rapid Growth (Because there is unlimited resources).

51 Decide whether this population is experiencing slow growth, rapid growth, or no growth (carrying capacity). A population of parrots experience intense competition for their food source. No Growth/Carrying Capacity (Because there is limited resources).

52 What is the vocab word?! All of the individuals of a certain species living in a specific area. Population

53 What would be the immediate effect of all the deer dying off suddenly? There would be more green plants and the coyote population would decline.

54 Name 1 Quaternary Consumer? Owls, Coyotes

55 How does the movement of energy and the flow of matter differ in a ecosystem? Energy flows in a straight line and matter is cycled.

56 What’s Missing? Waste Ammonia Fertilizer Nitrites (NO 3 ) Free Nitrogen Industrial Nitrogen Fixation __________ _______________ Nitrates (NO 2 ) and _________________ Nitrogen Fixation Animals _________________ ___________________ Denitrification _______________ Plants

57 What stage of succession is this community in? Kilaua Volcano spewing a lava flow in Hawaii Forest  Primary Succession Fire in the Willamette National Forest  Secondary Succession An abandoned parking lot near the airport  Primary Succession Deforestation in the Amazon  Secondary Succession

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