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Rise of Britain/American Revolution Ch 2.3 Notes.

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1 Rise of Britain/American Revolution Ch 2.3 Notes

2 5 Reasons for Britain’s rise as a major world power 1. Geography –Well suited for trade –Good location for shipping goods to all parts of the world

3 2. Success in war –On the winning side in most wars –Acquired land (India & Canada), trade benefits (slave trade monopoly) –Large navy, no large standing army 3. Good business climate - Fewer restrictions on trade

4 4. Union with Scotland –1707 Act of Union united Great Britain –Increased trade which helped reduce Scottish resentment of Union 5. Settling Ireland - Sent Protestants to settle Catholic Ireland (will also lead to ongoing conflict in Ireland between Catholics and Protestants) - United w/ G.B in 1801

5 George III Unlike previous 2 Georges, he spoke English (his father and grandfather considered themselves German and never bothered to learn much English) Wants to reassert royal power Finds a place in Parliament for his friends Enacts policy that says colonists in North America must pay for their own defense When they protest, more harsh measures follow leading to the Revolution Loses American colonies & support in England for the king

6 Rebellion Parliament passed Acts which taxed the colonists –“No taxation without representation” Protests by colonists: Boston “Massacre” and Tea Party 1776, Declaration of Independence Continental Congress declares independence from Britain Despite odds, colonists win with help from France War ends with Treaty of Paris

7 Drafting a Constitution 1789 Constitution is drafted, replacing Articles of Confederation Writers saw government as a social contract (Rousseau) A Federal Republic- power is divided between states and Federal gov’t 3 branches of gov’t- legislative, judicial, executive (Montesquieu) Bill of Rights (1st 10 amendments)- people had certain rights that the gov’t had to protect –Identify those that come from ideas we have talked about Influences other countries for 200+ years

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