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Fracking By: Diva Dreyer. Fracking Hydraulic Fracturing: The drilling and injection of fluid into the ground in order to fracture rocks and release natural.

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Presentation on theme: "Fracking By: Diva Dreyer. Fracking Hydraulic Fracturing: The drilling and injection of fluid into the ground in order to fracture rocks and release natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fracking By: Diva Dreyer

2 Fracking Hydraulic Fracturing: The drilling and injection of fluid into the ground in order to fracture rocks and release natural gas.

3 Brief Summary Pros 43% of the oil production 67% of the natural gas productionnatural gas 2007-2013 gas bills dropped by $13 BILLION per year due to increased fracking. Growing job market Shale gas production contributes over $100 Billion to US consumers annually Cons Increased Water/Air contamination Negative Environmental Impacts Acid Rain Ground level Ozone > 26.4 Billion Gallons of water wasted within 20 months Negative Health Impacts on Humans Sensory, respiratory, and neurological damage Increased Seismic Activity Damage to infrastructure Human Injury/Death

4 How do we know there is a problem? Water Contamination Over 1,000 documented cases next to areas of gas drilling Cases of sensory, respiratory, and neurological damage Air Contamination Heart Defects were 30% more likely in infants Proliferation in Earthquake intensity/frequency Before: After: About 2 a year585 last year

5 Catalyst Only recently has fracking been largely applied to horizontal wells. These wells allow for access to shale formations under areas of high population density.

6 Average American vs. Global Citizen Annual consumption of Motor Oil and Natural Gas Americans (As of 2012) 441 Gallons of Gas 81,305 Cubic Feet of Natural gas Global Average (As of 2012) 49.2 Gallons of Gas 16,995 Cubic Feet of Natural Gas

7 Biomes and Ecological Systems Terrestrial plant growth(NPP) Reduced NPP by the equivalent of 30 Empire State Buildings(123,915,735.3 people) Lost 13% of all US wheat exports in 2013 Lost more than half of the public grazing lands

8 Species Fracking presents a wide range of threats to both wildlife and domestic animals. Aquatic organism death due to water contamination. Pet owners and vets are reporting serious illness, reproductive problems, and death. Birds and other wildlife can be disturbed by the noise, lights, or structures. Equipment has been implicated in introducing invasive species. Wastewater ponds provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes that have reportedly caused increased West Nile Virus activity.

9 Cellular Processes Chemicals used in Fracking 75% skin, eyes,and other sensory organs, and the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems 40–50% affect the brain/nervous system, immune and cardiovascular systems, and the kidneys 37% Endocrine System 25% Cause Cancer and mutations

10 Future Effects Human World Human lives Damage infrastructure Contaminated Water Destroy Economy Natural World Kill entire ecosystems “Dead Zones”

11 Negative Prediction (If unregulated fracking continues) Earthquakes continue to grow in intensity and frequency. Large scale damage to cities, towns, roads, etc. Severe Water Contamination

12 Positive Prediction (If we regulate fracking and make it cleaner and more efficient) Fracking becomes cleaner Earthquakes reduce in frequency and intensity Water becomes clean again

13 Solutions The use of recycled water Decreasing Diesel fumes Treating wastewater Plugging methane leaks

14 Solutions Pros Recycled Water = Conservation Less Diesel Fumes = Cleaner Air Treatment of Wastewater No need for disposal Wells Less Water Contamination Less greenhouse gas emissions from methane leaks Cons ●The treatment of wastewater from fracking would add impede on corporate profitability

15 Biotech/Biomimetics Solutions Pollutant-eating bacteria to fight against soil contamination

16 What Is Being Done? Regulations are in place in some parts of the nation to restrict the use of underground disposal wells. Environmental protection agencies have stipulated that interference with flora and fauna is to be minimized at all costs.

17 Laws, Policies, and/or Institutions Underground Injection Control Clean Air Act Clean Water Act/Safe Drinking Water Act State Water Use Partial Disclosure

18 Over the next 40 Years Clean Water will become much scarcer in the United States Destruction of entire Ecosystems throughout the country Global Climate Change will continue

19 What can you do? Reduce the amount of energy you consume! Carpool/take the bus to work (It’s cheaper!) Refrain from turning lights on during the day Unplug appliances when turned off

20 Our Contributions to this problem Before Driving to school Large use of electricity in daily life After Carpooling/Taking the bus Decrease use of electricity

21 To learn more about Fracking... Number of Online Articles and Research

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