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Transition in Thanet A Multi Agency Approach To Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition in Thanet A Multi Agency Approach To Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition in Thanet A Multi Agency Approach To Planning

2 Transition A recent report published by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) defines Transition as: A process that occurs when children move to adulthood, involving physical and psychological developments coupled with changes to roles and relationships with family and friends, staff and the wider community. Transition of care services takes place at different ages depending on the service, usually 16 for health services, 18 for social care services and up to 19 for moves from school to college-based education. Growing Up Matters January 2007

3 Background People going through the transition process were unclear of what to expect There was an inconsistent approach between agencies. We wanted to find out what families and carers needed to know.

4 Stakeholders Thanet Learning Disability Team East Kent Mencap Direct Payments Scheme Day Opportunities Service Stone Bay school The Foreland school Kent Supported Employment Parents who had successfully negotiated the Transition process

5 The Planning Process A flexible and responsive approach to meetings A forum for updating each other An opportunity to get support Identification of resources Use of ICT Development of workshops

6 Benefits Personal responsibility Shared expertise Shared outcomes Shared budget Shared resources Networking Clarifying roles of agencies Existing carers experiences were valued

7 Weaknesses Key stakeholders did not attend the event Competing demands of professionals roles Lack of support at senior organisational levels Limited funds available Insufficient time

8 The Event Very successful High level of participation Planning was valued Holistic Shared experience Showcased Thanet Resulted in a formal report

9 What next? Created pathways for future joint working Collaborative approach – format could be used by other areas Formal evidence for service development Positive model of partnership work Workshops for families and carers

10 Presented By Alan James – Direct Payments Worker and Sheree Bell – Care Manager

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