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CSE Senior Design I CSE Senior Design Architecture Design Exercise This presentation describes the tasks of a group exercise that is conducted as a bridge.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE Senior Design I CSE Senior Design Architecture Design Exercise This presentation describes the tasks of a group exercise that is conducted as a bridge."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE Senior Design I CSE Senior Design Architecture Design Exercise This presentation describes the tasks of a group exercise that is conducted as a bridge between the CSE 4316 system definition phase and the CSE 4317 system implementation and test phases of the CSE Senior Design capstone project.

2 1 Design Exercise Groups Fall 2014 Group 1Group 2Group 3 Vishal Singh Pranil Thomas Mathew Tracy Oguni Shamikul Amin Picard Folefack Nhat Tran Saad Subhani Keyurkumar Patel Dat Le Justin Hayes Sidharth Goyal Brian Hasty Group 4Group 5Group 6 Seth Skocelas Long Ly Sovantharith Seng Kevin Marnell Lam Pham Jesus Parra Nishal Pandey Robert Le Joel Seng Melissa Trinh Zedd Shmais Stephanie Valentine Sabin Bajnachanya Brandon Deen Earl White

3 1 Architecture Design Exercise  Driving Simulator Speaker Steering Central Processor Accel. Signals Brake Display Unit Data Base Admin Computer

4 1 Today assumptions and assertions  Discuss your assumptions and assertions about what the system must do. Fill in the gaps.  Consider extensibility and potential enhancements.  Consider potential user interaction, inputs and outputs  Consider system responses to expected scenarios  Consider usability, set-up, configurability, installation, etc.  Consider what is done in dedicated hardware, and what is done in software on a central processing unit guiding principlesDefine the guiding principles that you will employ in your architecture (meta-architecture)  How will you ensure the 4-I’s?  How will you ensure maximum flexibility?  What are your guidelines for defining layers and subsystems?  What other “ilities” will guide you (portability, scalability, reusability, usability, interoperability, modifiability, reliability, …)?

5 1 Homework for Tuesday  In your exercise groups:  Walk through your meta architecture and assumptions  Prepare a “2-minute, 2-sheet” presentation to present your assumptions and guiding principles

6 1 Tuesday layer structure  Define the layer structure and draw a diagram  What is the purpose of each layer (what services does it provide within the system – to which other layers)?  What must each layer do in order to provide these services (what functions must it perform)?  How is each layer differentiated from other layers? interfaces  Define key interfaces to/from each layer  External (may be “none”)  Internal (between layers) rationale  Provide rationale for all of your choices  Consider independence, integrity and implementability  Consider complexity of your approach relative to other possible approaches

7 1 Homework for Thursday  In your exercise groups:  Walk through your layer structure  Verify and refine the interfaces between layers  Refine the functions of each layer  Discuss and verify cohesion (high) within each layer  Discuss and verify coupling (low) between layers  Begin discussion of how you will break up the layers critical functions into subsystems  Discuss high-level data flows  Prepare a “2-minute, 2-sheet” presentation to defend your structure in our next class

8 1 Thursday subsystems  Define your subsystems  What is the purpose of each subsystem within the layer (what services does it provide– to which other subsystems)?  Is the function defined for the subsystem implementable?  Does the subsystem logically fit BEST in the layer you have it in? data flows  Define the data flows to/from each subsystem  What data is needed (image, counter, text, etc.)?  What data is created (image, counter, text, etc.)  What is the created data used for, and by which other subsystem(s) is it needed? producer-consumer relationship matrix  Define the inter-subsystems relationships (producer-consumer relationship matrix)  Do they work? Can they be implemented?

9 1 Friday  In your exercise groups:  Walk through each subsystem  Refine the functions of each subsystem  Verify subsystem interfaces (direct relationship to that defined for layers?)  Discuss and verify cohesion (high) and coupling (low) for each subsystem  Verify producer-consumer relationships for all data elements  Prepare to discuss/defend your architecture

10 1 Homework for Tuesday  In your exercise groups:  Prepare a 10 minute discussion/presentation of your architecture

11 1 Tuesday discuss your architecture  Each design group will discuss your architecture  Key assumptions and guiding principles  Layer diagram (no subsystems yet)  Layer definitions (services provided)  Data flows and producer-consumer relationships  Key interactions between subsystems  Various “ilities” addressed, and how  Critical use case scenarios  Informal and interactive format  Each group will have 10 minutes, maximum, including allowance for interaction and Q&A  May use PowerPoint slides, document camera, handouts, or a combination of these

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