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Spiritual Formation is Corporate Formation Our Corporate Narrative James W. Thompson Sermon Seminar 2014.

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1 Spiritual Formation is Corporate Formation Our Corporate Narrative James W. Thompson Sermon Seminar 2014

2 Phil. 1:3-11: Where are we going? With our changing times, it is appropriate that we ask where this church is going. We face cultural shifts, demographic shifts, etc. Where do we want to be in a decade? Two decades? A generation from now? Five and ten year plans are common at the work place. But what about the church?

3 The church stands in the middle of a story that is not yet complete. Stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. In Phil. 1:3-11 Paul speaks of the God who “began a good work among you and will bring it to completion. – It is a corporate story, not the story of individuals. – The Philippian church (and ours) had a beginning and a history until this moment; God has been at work.

4 The church stands in the middle of a story that is not yet complete. We stand in the middle of the story, looking backward and forward, just as Paul did when he wrote to the Philippians. God will bring our story to completion. – “That your love may abound more and more” – That “you may approve the better things” (i.e., to become more ethical, how better priorities). – “Filled with the fruit of righteousness” Where is this church going? It is being shaped into the image of Christ.

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