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Приветствие. Good afternoon, friends! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

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Presentation on theme: "Приветствие. Good afternoon, friends! I’m glad to see you. How are you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Приветствие. Good afternoon, friends! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

2 Работа с кроссвордом Работа с кроссвордом Hello! My name is Molly. I've got a (1). His name is George. I've got an (2). Her name is Mary. I've got a (3). Her name is Margaret. I've got a (4). Her name is Kate. I've got an (5). His name is Henry. I've got a (6) Her name is Anna.


4 Тема: Family (Семья) Тема: Family (Семья)

5 Фонетическая зарядка. Стихотворения по теме “Семья”.

6 Речевая зарядка. Have you got a family? Have you got a sister or a brother? How many sisters (brothers) have you got? What’s your brother’s name? What’s your sister’s name? What’s your mother’s (father’s, grandmother’s, grandfather’s) name? How old is your brother (sister)? Have you got a cat or a dog?

7 Развитие диалогического умения(работа в парах) 1. Have you got a family? 1. Have you got a family? 2. Have you got a brother or a sister? 2. Have you got a brother or a sister? 3. What’s your sister’s name? 3. What’s your sister’s name? 4. How old is your sister? 4. How old is your sister? 5. What’s your brother’s name? 5. What’s your brother’s name? 6. How old is your brother? 6. How old is your brother? 7. How many brothers have you got? 7. How many brothers have you got? 8. Have you got a cousin? 8. Have you got a cousin? a) I’ve got a brother and a sister. a) I’ve got a brother and a sister. b) Her name’s Alice. b) Her name’s Alice. c) She is seven. c) She is seven. d) Yes, I’ve got a family. d) Yes, I’ve got a family. e) He’s seventeen. e) He’s seventeen. f) His name is Max. f) His name is Max. g) Oh, yes. I’ve got three cousins. g) Oh, yes. I’ve got three cousins. h) I’ve got two brothers. h) I’ve got two brothers.

8 1. Have you got a family? d) Yes, I’ve got a family. 2. Have you got a brother a) I’ve got a brother and a or a sister? sister. 3. What’s your sister’s name? b) Her name’s Alice. 4. How old is your sister? c) She is seven. 5. What’s your brother’s name? f) His name is Max. 6. How old is your brother? e) He’s seventeen. 7. How many brothers have you got? h) I’ve got two brothers. 8. Have you got a cousin? g) Oh, yes. I’ve got three cousins. cousins.

9 Инсценировка диалога, вставить пропущенные буквы: - Have you got a sister or a brother? - I’ve got a sister. -…’s your sister’s name? - Her name’s Kate. - …old is she? - She’s five.

10 Физическая минута Hands down! - Руки вниз! Hands on hips! - Руки на бедра! Sit down! - Садись! Stand up! - Встань! Hands up! - Руки вверх! Hands to the sides! - Руки в стороны! Turn to the left! - Поворот налево! Bend right! - Наклон вправо! Bend left! - Наклон влево! Stand still! - Стойте смирно! Stop! - Стой! Stop! - Стой!

11 Развитие монологического умения (рассказать о своей семье)

12 Практика в чтении. Прочитать текст по теме “Семья” и ответить на вопросы к нему. My family My family My name is Dima. I am ten. I have got a family. My family is big. I’ve got a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a grandmother and a grandfather. My father is Ivan Sergeevich. He is big and strong. My mother’s name is Tatyana Ivanovna. She is kind and beautiful. My sister is five. Her name is Rita. She is little and funny. My brother’s name is Sasha. He is twenty. My grandmother is kind and clever. My grandfather is big. He is old. I love my family.

13 Questions to text (Вопросы к тексту): 1. What is the boy’s name? 2. How old is he? 3. Is Dima’s family big? 4. What’s his father’s name? 5. What’s his mother’s name? 6. What’s his sister’s name? 7. How old is Rita? 8. What’s his brother’s name?

14 Итог урока: So, today we have reviewed the theme: “My family”. I think you can tell your British friends about your family, your friends and your pets. Thank you for the lesson.

15 Good-bye.

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