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Pacific Grant Fund Pacific Perspectives Dr Debbie Ryan.

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Presentation on theme: "Pacific Grant Fund Pacific Perspectives Dr Debbie Ryan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pacific Grant Fund Pacific Perspectives Dr Debbie Ryan

2 Seeking significant change through: o increased focus on evidence-based decision- making o prioritisation of resources for frontline services Key policy support through o ‘Ala Mo’ui: Pathways to Pacific Health and Wellbeing 2010-2014 o Whānau Ora For more info... Email to

3 To enable providers to: o undertake initiatives that will lead to service and clinical quality improvement, and innovation in service delivery for Pacific peoples; and o present evidence to demonstrate what works for Pacific peoples so that successful practice can be applied across the health sector. For more info... Email to

4 Funding of $2M used to: o support up to 20 initiatives; o draw out innovative practice in the sector; and o collate applied analysis in a systematic way. For more info... Email to

5 Sound evidence base of what works for Pacific Health sector aware of evidence base Successful practice disseminated Monitoring by providers improved Evidence informs funding decisions For more info... Email to

6 Details effective initiatives Identifies success factors Showcases initiatives For more info... Email to

7 Approached 18 DHBs and 41 providers 170 Pacific provider projects identified 57 evaluations reviews from NZ 61 projects, 35 evaluations, 102 studies in international literature For more info... Email to

8 Aims to: o Systematically collect evidence o Contribute to the dynamic evidence base o Transfer learnings to other providers Tools to: o Describe the outcome framework o Enable systematic reporting o Support Most Significant Change reporting For more info... Email to

9 Applications will be assessed against the extent to which they: o address identified need in relation to Pacific peoples; o take account that health needs both between and within Pacific communities are not homogeneous; o take account of evidence of past practice; o involve primary and preventive health care and management of long term conditions; o are flexible enough to allow for the redirection of resources when interventions are not working; o For more info... Email to

10 Applications will be assessed against the extent to which they: o are directed toward primary care and community initiatives, represent innovative ways to deliver the changes sought by ‘Ala Mo’ui; o demonstrate engagement by Pacific people and providers; o contribute to intersectoral action to address the determinants of health; and o demonstrate a credible programme For more info... Email to




14 Applications open (30 September) First application deadline (6 November) Further application deadlines (subject to available funding) For more info... Email to

15 Decisions made (26 November) Contracts agreed (9 December) First initiatives commence (January 2012) Nine months in duration For more info... Email to

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