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Due March 13 th.  Tomorrow, Friday, Reading Day  Meet in the classroom  Media Center  Literacy Week-Next Week  See next slide  VLT  Monday, February.

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Presentation on theme: "Due March 13 th.  Tomorrow, Friday, Reading Day  Meet in the classroom  Media Center  Literacy Week-Next Week  See next slide  VLT  Monday, February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due March 13 th

2  Tomorrow, Friday, Reading Day  Meet in the classroom  Media Center  Literacy Week-Next Week  See next slide  VLT  Monday, February 2 nd and Tuesday, February 3 rd  DIA  Wednesday, February 4 th, and Thursday, February 5 th

3  Monday  Visual Vocabulary Day- dress as the definition of a vocabulary word  HOMEWORK PASS- Formative

4  Tuesday-  Poem in your pocket day  Bring a poem to school day  HOMEWORK PASS- Formative

5  Wednesday-  Comic Book Dress-up Day  Come dressed as your favorite comic book character  EXTRA CREDIT- +5 on a summative

6  Thursday- Visual Literacy  Bring an infographic, chart, graph, or art to school day  EXTRA CREDIT- +10 to a formative grade

7  Friday- Literary Character Dress-Up Day  Dress as your favorite literary character  EXTRA CREDIT- +5 on a summative grade

8  Must be a novel  Cannot be a movie  Cannot be “too young”  At least 200 pages long.  Any exceptions will be made privately, and are at my discretion.  I will make decisions that I deem fair.

9  100pt Summative grade  Two groups of projects to choose from.  Start working on them now!  Match the novel that you choose  For example- not a lot of setting don’t make a map.  Don’t wait until the last minute!  Your formatives should help you prepare your project.

10  Once a week, (for now) Fridays  Formatives (30pts):  Formative One: Character Bio, Due Fri. Jan. 30 th  Formative Two: Literary Devices, Due Fri. Feb. 13 th  Formative Three: Plot Diagram, Due Fri. Feb. 27 th  May read or work on formative.  Silent.  Music ok.  DON’T FAKE IT! You will fall behind on your project.  IF you’re reading on an electronic device, I need to see it. I will also check to make sure you’re actually reading.

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