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Final Project Creating an interfaces to manipulate tables Professor. Jon Degallier Professor. Jon Degallier Student Name: Mahfuz Talukder Ohlone College.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Project Creating an interfaces to manipulate tables Professor. Jon Degallier Professor. Jon Degallier Student Name: Mahfuz Talukder Ohlone College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Project Creating an interfaces to manipulate tables Professor. Jon Degallier Professor. Jon Degallier Student Name: Mahfuz Talukder Ohlone College Spring 2008 Course: Perl Class/CS149

2 2 Project Overview  The project name is Project GE – Final project  This project is to add an interfaces to manipulate data in to different tables  The tables are area tables, class table, and SLO table  Data will manipulate from a plain text file  Text Data file name is GE_classes.txt

3 3 Project Outline  In this project, four separate CGI modules are created in order to view, Insert, Edit and Delete data from tables area, classes, and SLOs.  Files are: final_project.cgi – for table menu final_project.cgi – for table menu manage_area.cgi – for area table manage_area.cgi – for area table manage_classes.cgi – for class table manage_classes.cgi – for class table manage_SLOs.cgi - for slo table manage_SLOs.cgi - for slo table  Module is created which is used to populate data for area, classes, and SLOs tables from GE_classes.txt text file.

4 4 Table Descriptions  Functionalities of following four modules: final_project.cgi – Display Tables Menu final_project.cgi – Display Tables Menu manage_area.cgi – Manipulates Area Table manage_area.cgi – Manipulates Area Table manage_classes.cgi - Manipulates Class Table manage_classes.cgi - Manipulates Class Table manage_SLOs.cgi - Manipulates SLO Table manage_SLOs.cgi - Manipulates SLO Table

5 5 Code Snippet  This subroutine is to delete record  sub deleteRecord  {  my $dbh = shift();  my $string = "DELETE FROM $table ".  "WHERE ID = '".  param( 'DELETE_ID' ). "'";  $dbh->do( $string );  print "Record ", param( 'DELETE_ID' ),  " deleted.", br();  }

6 6 Knowledge Gained  This project is an exercise of the whole course work. It required overall expertise in class materials learned during the whole semester.  It required to exercise everything from loops to arrays, hash manipulation to Subroutine, regEXP, HTML, and SQL table, etc.

7 7 Obstacle Faced  This project is required a lot of time. Specially, if you are a new programmer. Finding time for full-time working student like me is very difficult.  Developing the first modules was difficult. Once the first module is done next two modules were easy to put together.

8 8 Thank You  Thanks to Prof. Degallier for his interactive instructions. The discussion board helps a lot.  Also many thanks to all the helpful students who took their time to answer questions for fellow students. That’s how a successful project is developed in real life. A real team effort.

9 9 Q & A

10 Project Files/URLs  - Area Tablettp://  cgi - Class Table cgi  - SLO Table  - Menu

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