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Energy developments in Spain José M. Martínez-Duart and Jorge Hernández- Moro, Autónoma University of Madrid Meeting of the Energy Group, European Physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy developments in Spain José M. Martínez-Duart and Jorge Hernández- Moro, Autónoma University of Madrid Meeting of the Energy Group, European Physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy developments in Spain José M. Martínez-Duart and Jorge Hernández- Moro, Autónoma University of Madrid Meeting of the Energy Group, European Physical Society, Budapest, October 28, 2013 Energy Working Group, EPS, Budapest, Oct. 28, 2013

2 Observe the large dependence on fossil fuels (Global: 87%. Spain: 75%). In terms of the final energy, renewables represent en in Spain the 16,2 % of total (European objective for 2020: 20%) Observe that this scheme is environmentally non sustainable Observe that this scheme is environmentally non sustainable Nuclear 5,2 % Renovables 1,3 % Hidro 6,5 % Petróleo 33,6 % Gas Nat 23,8 % Carbón, 29,6 % GlobalSpain Petróleo 38,2 % Gas Nat 22,1 % Renovables 16,2 % Nuclear 12,5 % Carbón, 11,0 % The origin of primary energy ( World and Spain)

3 Adverse characteristics of Spain´s energy mix  Lack of fossil fuels  Large dependence on imports  High energy intensity (per GNP)  High GHG emissions  Low energy efficiency e.g. (buildings)  “Energy island characteristics  Lack of proper planification (mainly in Renewables) XXXIV – Bienal RSEF. Valencia, 16th July 2013

4 Reasons for interest in Renewables in Spain Large available resources and economic potentials like solar wind, etc. Help in balance of payments Energy autonomy and security Lower C emissions International compromises (European 20-20-20 Directive, Kioto Protocole, etc. XXXIV – Bienal RSEF. Valencia, 16th July 2013

5 Energy Working Group, EPS, Budapest, Oct. 28, 2013 Evolution of the electricity mix in Spain

6 Evolution of the cost of electricity in Spain XXXIV – Bienal RSEF. Valencia, 16th July 2013

7 Energy Working Group, EPS, Budapest, Oct. 28, 2013 Annual Evolution of the electric debt (M€)

8 Energy Working Group, EPS, Budapest, Oct. 28, 2013 Concepts of the electric debt (in percentage)

9 Wind Energy 1979: 40 c€/kWh Wind park in Carnota (A Coruña) 2012: 4 - 7 c€/kWh Large increase in the size of the wind turbines Advances in R&D of materials and turbine dessign

10 Wind contribution to electricity

11 Wind installed power (by country), Dic 2012 In Spain 16-17% of the electricity in 2012 was wind generated. Objective 2020: 25%

12 Clean Energy, 2011 Wind power per capita, Dic. 2012

13 Energy Working Group, EPS, Budapest, Oct. 28, 2013 Evolution of cumulative installed PV power in Spain (red line); the bars correspond to yearly additions

14 Energy Working Group, EPS, Budapest, Oct. 28, 2013 Percentage of photovoltaic generated electricity 2012

15 Energy Working Group, EPS, Budapest, Oct. 28, 2013 Variation of PV tariff-in in Spain

16 Past cumulative PV capacity and prediction to 2050 XXXIV – Bienal RSEF. Valencia, 16th July 2013 J. Martinez-Duart and J. Hernández-Moro Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol. 7, 078599, 2013

17 Energy Working Group, EPS, Budapest, Oct. 28, 2013 Concentrated Solar Power: Cumulative installed capacity (GW) and annual electricity production (TWh/year)

18 DNI in Europe and Western United States

19 CSP systems: Trough and Tower

20 Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in Spain, 2013 Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in Spain, 2013 In operation: 45 Plants, 2.054 MW In construction: 6 Plants, 300 MW

21 1.- Central Receiver 2.- Parabolic troughs 3.- Direct Steam Generation 4.- Stirling Dishes 5.- Solar Furnace 6.- Water Detoxification 7.- Water Desalination 8.- Energetic Efficiency in Buildings 9.- Fresnel Collectors 10.- Advanced Technologies: gas/molten salts 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 Plataforma Solar de Almeria (PSA) The Plataforma Solar in Almería is the most complete World´s installation in concentration solar power technologies

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