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Imagining New Learning Spaces Workshop at the 2015 Student as Producer Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Imagining New Learning Spaces Workshop at the 2015 Student as Producer Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imagining New Learning Spaces Workshop at the 2015 Student as Producer Conference

2 Introductions Estates and Commercial Facilities  Sam Williams – Head of Strategy and Communications  Jayne Bannister – Space Manager

3 Workshop plan  Introductions  Exercise 1: what makes a great learning experience?  Examples of learning space design: MB1012, MB1019, MB1020  Exercise 2: using metaphors to imagine new learning spaces  Continuing the dialogue

4 Exercise 1: what makes a great learning experience?  Remember a great learning experience  What made it great?  What did you do physically?  Did it change you? If so, how?  Was the setting a factor? If so, how?

5 Examples of learning space design: MB1012, MB1019, MB1020  Designed to support knowledge production in small groups  No “official” layout – students and staff decide  Node chairs  Multiple whiteboards / writable walls  More space per person (2.3 sq m)  Calm colour palette






11 Exercise 2: using metaphors to imagine new learning spaces Example: the McLaren Production Centre  Rapidly reconfigurable to meet changing needs  Small groups working together productively  Calm, neutral colour palette to minimise distractions

12 Exercise 2: using metaphors to imagine new learning spaces In your groups, think of a metaphor. On your whiteboards, tell us: 1. What is the metaphor? 2. Which aspects of it are most essential? 3. What will people do in the space? 4. How will they feel?









21 Exercise 2: using metaphors to imagine new learning spaces In your groups, think of a metaphor. On your whiteboards, tell us: 1. What is the metaphor? 2. Which aspects of it are most essential? 3. What will people do in the space? 4. How will they feel?

22 Thank you for participating!

23 Continuing the dialogue  Comment on the Learning Landscapes blog:  Tweet @LincolnEstates with questions, issues, ideas  Email

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