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METEO 003 Section 2 Sreece Goldberger Office hours: Thursday 12-2 or by appointment Location: 530 Walker.

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Presentation on theme: "METEO 003 Section 2 Sreece Goldberger Office hours: Thursday 12-2 or by appointment Location: 530 Walker."— Presentation transcript:

1 METEO 003 Section 2 Sreece Goldberger Office hours: Thursday 12-2 or by appointment Location: 530 Walker

2 Review of Assignment 1

3 Problem 7a, b: use graph paper or Microsoft Excel Don’t forget to label title, axis, legend, etc. Interpret the graph you make in part a for part b Problem 10a, b: Clouds radiate in all directions Downwelling Radiation – downward emission of infrared energy Carefully read axis/axis labels of graphs The picture on the right is on pg 64, the discussion there may be useful Chapter 2

4 Chapter 2: Problem 11a, b: IR Satellite Image Upwelling Radiation Why is scale showing temperature for an Infrared Satellite Image? Stefan-Boltzmann equation (E = σT 4 ) Visible Satellite ImageInfrared Satellite Image

5 Chapter 2: Problem 13a, c, d: UV Index – measurement of the strength of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun at a particular place and time Table on page 81 not 83 Reference:

6 Chapter 3: Problem 1 Use State College latitude as 40.8N Reference pg. 86 Equinoxes: Autumnal and Vernal Solstices: Summer and Winter Determine the maximum altitude of the sun Example: Need to know: Latitude of your location: 39N Latitude at which sun is directly overhead: 10N Difference = 39N – 10N = 29° *Note: be careful when latitudes are in different hemispheres Maximum altitude of the sun = 90° – D = 90° - 29° = 61°

7 Chapter 3 Problem 4, 6, and 9a,b,c: Continental locations have larger seasonality than coastal regions Prevailing winds off the water result in less seasonality than off the land

8 EXAMPLE Average January High Temperature (F) Average July High Temperature (F) Seasonality (F) City 1609333 City 2587214 City 3399051 Answer Choices:Oakland, CAKansas City, MOSavannah, GA City 2 City 1 City 3

9 Assignment 2 due Sept. 12 Chapter 2 – 7a,b, 10a,b, 11a,b, 13a,c,d Chapter 3 – 1, 4, 6, 9a,b,c Useful Equations From pg. 57, the Stefan-Boltzmann equation E = σT 4 Maximum altitude of the sun = 90° – Difference

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