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Energy Systems
ATP ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)
Provides the energy for ALL body functions. Eg muscular efforts, nerve transmissions, brain activity Energy is released when ATP breaks down to form ADP + P + energy (+ a free phosphate) The body cannot use energy directly derived from foods, so it is used to form ATP which is a usable form of energy It is stored in limited amounts in muscles.
Sources of ATP Carbohydrates (CHO eg breads, cereals)- broken down to form glucose and transported in blood. Stored as glycogen in muscles and liver Fats (eg fast foods, dairy)- broken down to fatty acids and triglycerides. Stored in body as adipose tissue Protein (eg meat and fish)- used as emergency source. Stored as amino acids in muscles.
Forms of food and storage sites
Production of ATP There are 3 ways ATP is produced in muscles:
From energy released by the breakdown of creatine phosphate (CP) ie ATP-CP system. When glucose is converted without O2 to lactic acid ie the Lactic Acid System When CHO and fats are are broken down using O2 ie the Aerobic System
ENERGY SYSTEMS ATP-CP (also phosphate, phosphagen, phospho-creatin, CP, PC, alactacid) Fuelled by Creatin Phosphate, occurs in cytoplasm of cell Lactic Acid (also Anaerobic glycolysis, lactacid system) Fuelled by glucose (glycogen), occurs in cytoplasm of cell Aerobic (also Aerobic glycolysis and Oxygen and Oxidative System) Fuelled by glucose (glycogen), occurs in mitochondria of cell
ATP Production at REST When resting, demand for ATP is minimal and any demand can be met under aerobic conditions as there is abundant O2 and low HR. Fats 2/3 and CHO (after they have been broken down to glucose and stored as glycogen) 1/3 contribute to energy production. O2 + CHO CO2 + H2O + energy
During activity the system used to provide ATP depends on: how long the activity goes for how vigorous the activity is the level of the individual’s aerobic fitness the level of recovery between each effort
The body tries to produce all energy aerobically (ie the Aerobic System) because it is the most efficient system, but this is not always possible, as it takes time for O2 to get in and around the body. If the body cannot keep up with the increased demands for O2 in an activity, it will use one of the anaerobic (without O2) systems ie the Creatine Phosphate or Lactic Acid Systems.
The three energy systems
Creatine Phosphate System
ATP stored in the muscles supplies the initial energy for muscle contraction. When it is used up, the ADP + P is reconverted to form ATP. CP is used for this process. No O2 is required for this process. Used for explosive efforts, and at the beginning of sub-max efforts, 0-8secs Stores of CP are limited and will be exhausted after 6-8 secs of high intensity activity (eg throwing for distance, sprints) Need 2-6 mins of rest to recover, then can be used again Produces less than one molecule of ATP
Lactic Acid System As CP stores become exhausted, this system supplies the majority of energy. No O2 is required for this process, but a build up of lactic acid is toxic and limits this process Glycogen converted to glucose, broken down to form lactic acid releases the energy required. Used for activities of high intensity lasting 10 secs to 2 mins (eg 400m run, gym floor routine) Can also be used for phosphate efforts when there hasn’t been sufficient recovery time. Produces 2 molecules of ATP Recovery times vary with type of recovery and time above OBLA (between 5mins and 30mins) Active recovery is best Produces large amounts of lactic acid Occurs in cytoplasm of cells
Aerobic System Once activity has begun, the body tries to increase O2 delivery to working muscles. After a short ‘lag’, if the activity is sub-max, the O2 supply will be sufficient (ie equal to demand) to produce ATP ie Steady State CHO (glucose), fats (and protein in emergencies) provide energy required. CHO for longer, more intense activity and fats for VERY sub-max efforts (as they need more O2 to break down). Main provider of energy for activities of low intensity lasting longer than 2 mins. CHO produces 38 molecules of ATP, fats >100 Recovery of glycogen stores can be up to 48 hours depending on the time and intensity of effort This process occurs in mitochondria of cells
Contributions of fat and carbohydrates during exercise
Examples of activities and the major energy system relied upon.
Summary of Energy Systems
An example of the interplay of energy systems- a 5km run
NOTE- ALL SYSTEMS ARE OPERATING TO SOME EXTENT AT ALL TIMES IN ALL ACTIVITIES Interplay is important to provide maximum potential for performance. For the first 6 secs, the main energy system is the CP system As the run continues at a steady pace, the CP system drops off and the lactic acid system takes over. By 30 secs into the run, it is supplying most of the energy By the 2 min mark, O2 supply has increased so the aerobic system can contribute to production of ATP By the 5 min mark, the aerobic system is providing most of the energy and will continue to do so, provided the athlete does not speed up. For hills and sprints, the anaerobic systems come back into play depending on time, intensity. Aerobic system vital for recovery.
An example of the interplay of energy systems- a team game
NOTE- ALL SYSTEMS ARE OPERATING TO SOME EXTENT AT ALL TIMES IN ALL ACTIVITIES Predominant energy systems are the anaerobic systems- required for sprints, leads, chasing an opponent, kicking, throwing etc. ATP-CP for explosive bursts, lactic acid system for longer (10 sec –1 min) bursts of activity. Aerobic system vital for recovery periods in between these bursts, for light jogs back to position, during resting phases and to last the duration of the game.
Lactate Threshold Also known as OBLA (onset of blood lactate accumulation) This is reached when the body cannot supply enough O2 to continue the breakdown of lactic acid formed in the blood. The point above which lactic acid begins to accumulate rapidly in the blood. Below this point, levels of lactic acid do not inhibit activity ie person may be working at a steady state Once this level is reached, the athlete must stop or slow down- Lactate levels and HR are too high to continue Lactic acid is toxic in large amounts. It causes fatigue and discomfort eg ‘heavy legs’ Everyone has a different OBLA. It depends on genetics and training OBLA occurs when working between 60-90% of maximum HR, 50-80% of VO2 max, depending on fitness.
Steady State When a person is taking in enough O2 to meet the demand of working muscles, it is called a ‘steady state’. HR is steady Low lactate levels are maintained as the body is providing enough O2 to reconvert it to a usable energy source. Steady state occurs between 70-80% of MHR, and 40-70% VO2 max.
Analysis of Shuttle run test Look at the following graph and see if you can identify steady state, OBLA and max HR
Oxygen deficit and debt
When we begin exercise, mostly at a high intensity, there is not enough O2 in the body to produce energy aerobically, thus energy is produced anaerobically. For the duration of the activity or until the body can work aerobically, an O2 deficit is produced. After exercise, the body must ‘pay back’ the O2 used to produce energy was created without O2. An athlete does that by panting after the race. The length of time required depends on the length of time working anaerobically.
Lactic Acid Removal Lactic acid levels change throughout activities depending on the intensity. Some lactic acid can be converted/removed during sub-max efforts. Existing exertion levels determine the rate of lactic acid removal An active recovery is best- as HR is lower than at the OBLA, but still high enough to disperse lactic acid and continue blood flow with O2 to muscles. Recommended is a walk or slow jog ie no more than 40-50% of VO2max Most lactic acid is converted back to pyruvic acid (by presence of O2), then to ATP. The liver can also reconvert lactic acid to glycogen Some lactic acid is removed via respiration, excretion and perspiration.
Maximum Oxygen Uptake Also VO2 max, is measured as millilitres per minute per kilogram A measure of the amount of oxygen the body can take in, pump around the body and use in the muscles for energy production. A measure of a person’s aerobic fitness Eg active people 40-50mL/kg/min, trained sportspeople mL/kg/min Training has a positive affect on VO2max A test of VO2 max is the Shuttle run test Eg level 5- 30mL/kg/min, level 8-40mL/kg/min, level 11-50mL/kg/min, level mL/kg/min Read case study LIU2 pg 143.
Training at altitudes “Live high, train low”
Living at high altitudes will stimulate red blood cell production. An increase in haemoglobin will increase O2 carrying capacity of the blood to the working muscles and increase O2 supply for energy production, therefore increasing endurance. Training at sea level then allows the athlete to utilise (with the chronic changes made to the body) the available O2 in the air. Training at altitude does not induce chronic changes in the CV system.
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