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AUSTRALIA. A National Strategy for Enhancing the Safety and Security of our Food Supply ที่มา : We pride ourselves on our high safety and security standards.

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Presentation on theme: "AUSTRALIA. A National Strategy for Enhancing the Safety and Security of our Food Supply ที่มา : We pride ourselves on our high safety and security standards."— Presentation transcript:


2 A National Strategy for Enhancing the Safety and Security of our Food Supply ที่มา : We pride ourselves on our high safety and security standards and the quality of the products we offer to the global market. While there is always room for improvement, we believe our food safety and security systems are among the best in the world.

3 A National Strategy for Enhancing the Safety and Security of our Food Supply ที่มา : ภัยการก่อการร้าย 11 กันยายน + การวางระเบิดที่บาหลี The global security environment has changed. “The prospect of malicious contamination of food for terrorist purposes is a real and current threat.” The new challenge is to ensure these systems are now capable of responding to the new increased potential for acts of deliberate and malicious intervention in the food supply,

4 A National Strategy for Enhancing the Safety and Security of our Food Supply 2003, The Food Chain Assurance Advisory Group, Dept. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Since 2001

5 A National Strategy for Enhancing the Safety and Security of our Food Supply The aim of the Strategy is to enhance the safety and security of Australia’s food supply. The Aim

6 A National Strategy for Enhancing the Safety and Security of our Food Supply 1. สื่อสาร Communication and Consultation 2. ประสานงาน Coordination 3. ป้องกัน Prevention 4. เตรียมพร้อม Preparedness 5. ตอบสนอง Response 6. ฟื้นฟู Recovery Six themes:

7 1. Communication and Consultation “Communications and consultation develop resilience amongst stakeholders and communities and is invaluable in regaining control of critical infrastructure during risk event.” Action: 1. Review and improving existing networks with key stakeholders. 2. Engaging stakeholders in raising awareness about new and emerging risks 3. Sharing information for the development of effective mitigation and response strategies. 4. Improving communication arrangements for responding to incidents. 5. Development strategies for effective risk communication with consumers to maintain consumer and market confidence.

8 2. Coordination “It ensures resilience and robustness in the food safety and security system to deal with new and emerging threats and risks. Action: 1. Providing leadership and support to businesses in : - adopting best practice risk assessment and risk management planning; - developing appropriate risk mitigation strategies 2. Encouraging the adoption of preventive mitigation strategies throughout the food supply chain. 3. Adopting industry systems that will aid detection of deliberate attack.

9 3. Prevention “These arrangements now need to be reviewed and improved to deal with the increased risk of deliberate contamination.” Action: 1. awareness raising and training to ensure individuals become familiar with deliberate intervention issues specific to their function; 2. Review of existing logistics and supplier arrangements; 3. Enhancing food safety and security assessments using independent and qualified auditors; 4. Encouraging security checks or heightened supervision for individuals working within the food supply chain and who have access to sensitive information, critical facilities, significant contaminants, or have direct access to food.

10 4. Preparedness “The new security environment new calls for comprehensive reassessment of preparedness arrangements.” Action: 1. Developing and maintaining plans and protocols (by way of scenario based exercises) that allow food supply chain participants to be prepared for new and emerging threats and risks including : 1.1 food supply chain response plans involving industry, government and consumers; 1.2 food supply chain recovery strategies, including recovery of food quality and quantity as well as recovery in consumer and market confidence in the food supply chain; and 1.3 safety and security audit and assurance programs to ensure risk treatment and mitigation strategies are regularly reviewed Continued…

11 4. Preparedness (cont.) “The new security environment new calls for comprehensive reassessment of preparedness arrangements.” Action: 2. Undertaking regular food supply chain safety and security exercises to assess plans and arrangements. 3. Developing a common operational understanding of issues such as detection technology and timing, as well as building a portfolio of required capabilities

12 5. Respond 1. Encouraging an enhanced and integrated national food supply chain surveillance, diagnostic, and laboratory services network that includes: Rapid detection and identification of any contaminant, the affected product and isolating supplies are essential. 1.1 a comprehensive understanding of the network’s capabilities and capacity including the capabilities to test for “novel” or “innovative” contaminants; Action: 1.3 strengthening linkages between industry and government laboratories and health networks; 1.2 development of cost effective screening systems supporting rapid diagnosis; continued…

13 5. Respond (continued) 1. Encouraging an enhanced and integrated national food supply chain surveillance, diagnostic, and laboratory services network that includes: 1.4 encouraging laboratories to report “unidentified analytical responses” and incidents that may appear to be deliberate to state or territory health authorities; and Action: 1.5 developing a more rigorous approach to identifying research and development priorities through a capability gap analysis as well as aligning, where possible, sampling, detection, and diagnostic protocols and procedures. 2. Reviewing rapid response protocols to ensure they consider issues associated with terrorism including: jurisdictional and commercial complications such as security, privacy, commercial-in-confidence issues, consequence management accountabilities, brand protection, insurance implications and emergency funding arrangements.

14 2.1 improved product integrity systems that support improved safety and security and provide enhanced capabilities to track and trace product; and 2.2 reviews of protocols and procedures to ensure contaminated or suspect product is appropriately handled, disposed of and fully accounted for. 6. Recovery Many of the capabilities required to implement effective response to incidents are the same as those required to support recovery procedures, particularly in relation to laboratory support. Action: 1. The actions described in the Response theme for improving the national laboratory services network. 2. Supporting research and encouraging developments for improved abilities to trace food, ingredients, and products through the food supply chain including:

15 A National Strategy for Enhancing the Safety and Security of our Food Supply 1. Communication and Consultation 2. Coordination 3. Prevention 4. Preparedness 5. Response 6. Recovery Six themes:

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