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Section B1 TA:Betsy The Green Machine Wade Floyd Hannah Kesler Joshua Atkins Lucas Hofmeister.

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Presentation on theme: "Section B1 TA:Betsy The Green Machine Wade Floyd Hannah Kesler Joshua Atkins Lucas Hofmeister."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section B1 TA:Betsy The Green Machine Wade Floyd Hannah Kesler Joshua Atkins Lucas Hofmeister

2 Section B1 TA:Betsy The Team Wade-Biomedical engineering major from right down the road Hannah-this is Hannah’s last day of engineering…she says, “it was fun while it lasted!” Josh-Nuclear engineering major from JCTC Lucas-Biomedical engineering major from Nashville

3 Section B1 TA:Betsy Overview Make Orange Green! 99% recycled materials Three main stages –Gravitational potential to Kinetic –Spring potential to work

4 Section B1 TA:Betsy Purpose Environmentally friendly method for pulling a party popper Bonuses: –Gets people excited about environmentalism! –Gets the party started….

5 Section B1 TA:Betsy Demonstration Warning! This process results in a loud noise…you might want to cover your ears

6 Section B1 TA:Betsy Step 1 Gravitational potential to kinetic energy mgh = 0.5mv 2 Bolt sits at the top of pipe=>potential energy Slides down pipe=>converts to kinetic energy Does work on the head of the mallet

7 Section B1 TA:Betsy Step 2 Gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy mgh = 0.5mv 2 Mallet at rest at the top of its rotation=>potential energy Mallet swings down=>converts to kinetic energy Razor blade cuts string

8 Section B1 TA:Betsy Step 3 Spring potential energy to Work 0.5kx 2 =work done Rubber bands are wrapped around dowel axle=>Spring potential String cutting releases axle=>rubber band recoils and does work on the popper string POP!

9 Section B1 TA:Betsy Conclusions People clearly throw away useful items Step by step analysis of stages provides a simple physical explanation Recycled materials were effectively used to demonstrate different energy conversions

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