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Literary Themes Commonly found in creative writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Themes Commonly found in creative writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Themes Commonly found in creative writing

2 What is a theme? Themes can be found everywhere: literature, stories, art, movies etc… The theme of a folk tale or fable is its moral. The theme of a piece of literature is its view about life and how people behave. Themes can be found everywhere: literature, stories, art, movies etc… The theme of a folk tale or fable is its moral. The theme of a piece of literature is its view about life and how people behave.

3 Theme & Meaning Theme is the… underlying meaning of the story, a universal truth, statement society, human nature, or the human conditiona significant statement the story is making about society, human nature, or the human condition. Theme is the… underlying meaning of the story, a universal truth, statement society, human nature, or the human conditiona significant statement the story is making about society, human nature, or the human condition.

4 Theme = idea The theme of a literary work is its underlying central idea or the generalization it communicates about life.

5 An Example of a Literary Theme At the end of the novel, Sal and her father have returned to Kentucky. Gramps comes to live with them. His presence helps Sal remember what she has learned. She knows that after walking in other people’s shoes, it’s better to accept people than it is to judge them. Walking in another person’s shoes helps us be better human beings.

6 What is the theme? Case at the Bat When hometown baseball hero Casey comes to bat, there are two outs and two men on base. Instead of winning the game with a homerun, Casey strikes out, and his team loses. Write the possible themes down on your paper. Make sure to write in complete sentences.

7 What is the theme? Thank You, M’am Mrs. Bates catches Roger trying to steal her purse. She drags him to her home, makes him wash up, and feeds him. Then she gives him the ten dollars he was trying to steal. Write the possible themes down on your paper. Make sure to write in complete sentences.

8 Answers Casey at the Bat 1.Even a hero can fail. 2.Overconfidence can lead to failure.

9 Answers Possible themes for Thank You, M’am 1.Everyone deserves a second chance. 2.An act of kindness can make a difference in a person’s life.

10 What is the theme? Think of a favorite movie or book and write the theme of the story. Make sure to write this in at least three full sentences. After you are done, share with the class.

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