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Why People Join and Stick Around…. John M. Hinck Son Soldier Mason Writer Speaker Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Why People Join and Stick Around…. John M. Hinck Son Soldier Mason Writer Speaker Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why People Join and Stick Around…. John M. Hinck Son Soldier Mason Writer Speaker Student

2 Why do People Stay in Organizations?

3 Why do Friends Stay in Your Life?

4 Why do you stay in your lodge? …….write down your answers…..

5 Why do you stay in your lodge? …….share with person next to you…..

6 22-years in the Army…


8 Making a difference

9 Valued

10 Making a difference Valued Trusted

11 Making a difference Valued Trusted

12 Making a difference Valued Trusted Money

13 How are you and your lodge: Making a difference? Valuing people? Showing that you truly trust others?

14 Making a difference? Valuing people? Showing that you truly trust others? Examples: connected to a BIGGER movement or organization doing worthwhile things in the community/world; purpose matches their interests. Examples: listened to, receive knowledge, shown appreciation/recognition, rewarded, asked their opinion on events, respect time with effective meetings. Examples: given responsibility, receive training/skills, given freedom to plan/execute, selected for bigger projects, promoted to leadership positions.



17 Why People Join and Stick Around…. John M. Hinck Son Soldier Mason Writer Speaker Student

18 Creating the Pitch to Join! John M. Hinck Son Soldier Mason Writer Speaker Student

19 Hinck’s “How to do an Elevator Speech” Make your pitch (your story and examples): Spark the interest. Specific and concise. Powerful and positive. Genuine, personal story. Masonic benefits (Examples). Let me get your contact information… What do you like to do? (Listen)

20 Go Make a Difference!!! John M. Hinck Son Soldier Mason Writer Speaker Student

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