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To identify some Christian values & where they come from To explain the 4 cardinal virtues To evaluate the virtues 1.What values do you try to show? Make.

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Presentation on theme: "To identify some Christian values & where they come from To explain the 4 cardinal virtues To evaluate the virtues 1.What values do you try to show? Make."— Presentation transcript:

1 To identify some Christian values & where they come from To explain the 4 cardinal virtues To evaluate the virtues 1.What values do you try to show? Make a mindmap of values you believe in. **Why is having values important? I believe in being kind & friendly to all people. I think it is important to be honest at all times. I believe you should always try and try again, even if you fail. I would never take anybody else’s things.

2 People could have values & believe they are important, but they might not actually put it into practice. A virtue is a habit of doing good : always acting according to your values – honestly, kindly, with your best efforts etc. it has become part of your personality. So next time you are in a situation, you act according to your habits of virtue. You don’t have to “work out” the right way to act. Do you think you live out some of your values as virtues? Which ones? 1.Define what “Virtue” means. 2.What is the difference between a virtue and a value? **How does having a virtue make a difference to your life? Choose one and explain.

3 There are 4 Cardinal (main) Virtues. Having them puts your life in right order, and makes you a happy and right-living person. * Justice - being fair to others * Fortitude – having staying power * Temperance - putting sensible limits on pleasure * Wisdom (or Prudence) – knowing how to make good decisions 1.Complete the sentences: A greedy person needs the virtue of...This means.. A person who makes bad practical decisions, needs the virtue of.... This means.. A person who feels like giving up, needs the virtue of... This means.. A person who doesn’t want to share with others needs the virtue of.... This means.. **Which one do you think is the most important to have? Why? *Draw a picture for each of the 4 cardinal virtues & label. Which cardinal virtue are the people in the picture missing?

4 Think – pair - share Why is each of these virtues important to have? Which is the most important? Wisdom/ prudence – good decisions Fortitude/ courage Temperance – sensible limits on pleasure Justice – fair to all

5 You will receive a story about a particular virtue. Read the story: which virtue is it about? 1. Summarise the story 2. Explain what virtue it is about and why 3. Explain what difference having the virtue/ not having it, made to the characters With your partner, choose another story. Read it, and answer the questions for it. Be prepared to present it.

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