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MAXIMISING SALFORD HOSC’s IMPACT ADDRESSING HEALTH INEQUALITIES Think of a time at when you were involved in a Salford HOSC activity where you felt you.

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Presentation on theme: "MAXIMISING SALFORD HOSC’s IMPACT ADDRESSING HEALTH INEQUALITIES Think of a time at when you were involved in a Salford HOSC activity where you felt you."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAXIMISING SALFORD HOSC’s IMPACT ADDRESSING HEALTH INEQUALITIES Think of a time at when you were involved in a Salford HOSC activity where you felt you were able to make a big difference– a peak experience! If it reduced health inequalities all the better. Describe the story of that experience. Give detail about what made it so good (your input, how you were supported, the information you collected, what happened to the findings) What can we learn from your story about what might work in Salford HOSC’s role, to maximise its impact for addressing health inequalities in Salford?

2 MAXIMISING SALFORD HOSC’s IMPACT ADDRESSING HEALTH INEQUALITIES National stories of success/ change Seat belts Drinking and driving Smoking Diet

3 Health Inequalities: Progress and next steps Life expectancy is increasing Most disadvantaged not as quickly as better off

4 Health Inequalities: Progress and next steps Consolidates gains so far – more learning and support Strengthens support to local areas 3 aspects: Wider determinants Lives people lead Services they use

5 Action Support to reach Public Service Agreement targets -2010 More action on factors that drive inequalities Commitment to further reduce inequalities after 2010 Wider determinants + national targets

6 Successes Since 1995-7 life expectancy of men has increased by 2.5 years in Spearhead authorities U75 mortality rates from cardiovascular disease and cancers have fallen faster in Spearhead Authorities than in England as a whole

7 But PSA relative!

8 Scale up what has been working Including: National support teams for health inequalities New support teams infant mortality alcohol

9 Focus on wider determinants Early years and parenting Work to improve health and wellbeing Equality Mental health services Co-ordinating action - nationally and locally

10 Early years and parenting Support parents and families to improve health Increase resilience to impacts of environment on lives New Child Health Strategy breastfeeding

11 Mental health services Access to therapy Older people Black and other ethnic communities

12 Key areas Smoking Alcohol Obesity Multiple risks

13 Smoking Responsible for 1/6 th deaths Focus on young starters Selling underage

14 Alcohol Inequalities 4-15 times greater mortality 4-10 times more admissions to hospital. Reduce rise in admissions to hospital

15 Access to services Services to be designed and targeted to work most effectively with people who need them most Primary care Commissioning services in partnership for reducing health inequalities Creating services that reach out to people Using NHS services to actively promote equality

16 How public services treat vulnerable people To be measure of progress on health inequalities Learning difficulties

17 New approaches Health trainers and champions Social marketing 3 rd sector

18 Tensions Health gain vs tackling inequalities Making a difference for 2010 or for ever

19 Issues for scrutiny Collective responsibility Specific role of scrutiny Which issues to select and why

20 Easy to change? Work in pairs 1. Are there changes you would like to make which might improve your health but you find hard to do? 2. Why is it so hard 3. What might help? Feedback on 2 & 3

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