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NOGAPS: Top color scale – Terrain height in meters Lower color scale – Surface frictional velocity (cm/s) Barbs – Surface wind direction and speed (m/s)

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Presentation on theme: "NOGAPS: Top color scale – Terrain height in meters Lower color scale – Surface frictional velocity (cm/s) Barbs – Surface wind direction and speed (m/s)"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOGAPS: Top color scale – Terrain height in meters Lower color scale – Surface frictional velocity (cm/s) Barbs – Surface wind direction and speed (m/s) Dashed lines – Ground Wetness NRL Marine Meteorology Division’s Science and Technology was a major contributor to the war effort. Operational and R&D meteorological products from NRL played a role in supporting DOD’s tactical operations…and dust was one of the biggest problems encountered. Baghdad at Noon Numerical Weather and Aerosol PredictionRemote Sensing Data Applications NOGAPS Forecast NAAPS Forecast NAAPS: Surface Dust Concentration (ug-m**3) In addition to providing the traditional weather forecasts that are always needed to support military operations, our NWP models were also used to provide forcing for a new breed of aerosol prediction models developed at NRL. The NRL Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) provides the first-ever global capability to predict dust, smoke, and sulfate concentration, movement, and dissipation. NAAPS requires databases for initializing the aerosol source regions, and it uses forecast fields from the Navy Atmospheric Global Operational Prediction System (NOGAPS) for forcing. Surface dust concentration (mg m -3 ) 9-km COAMPS TM 48-h forecast valid 00 UTC 26 Mar 2003 Surface stress (m/s) and 10-m streamlines Dust Front NRL’s mesoscale aerosol prediction capability is embedded directly into our high-resolution nested nonhydrostatic NWP model COAMPS™ (the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System). COAMPS fields at every model time step are used to define dust lifting, movement, and dissipation. COAMPS TM dust erodible fraction Iraq The high-resolution source database required to support this modeling effort is a unique 1-km resolution database developed by NRL for SW Asia. Through cooperation of NASA and NOAA, research data from MODIS and SeaWIFS were made available to NRL in near-real time (1-3 hours latency). From those data, NRL produced true-color imagery and enhancements for dust and smoke over land and water and provided those products over the Secure Internet connection at FNMOC to operational customers both afloat and ashore. Support of EM/EO and CBW Decision Aids Ducting products help the Fleet predict locations where they might encounter extended signal ranges or radar holes based upon atmospheric conditions forecast by COAMPS TM. COAMPS 6-hr Forecast of Duct Base Height (m) Ultimately, our goal is to use atmospheric information from COAMPS and NAAPS to provide direct input to tactical decision aids. Links have already been made, for example, between COAMPS and chemical/biological transport and dispersion models. Target Acquisition Weather System (TAWS) New targets added for OIF at customer request. NRL aerosol research aimed at improving information about weather effects on EO propagation. Hypothetical HPAC Forecast of Anthrax Surface Dosage 13 hours after release Atmospheric forcing is provided by COAMPS-OnScene run with an inner nest at 1-km resolution. COAMPS-OS™ is a portable, GUI- based version of COAMPS. A massive dust storm fans through the Margow desert of southern Afghanistan. This true color imagery example demonstrates the inherent difficulties in identifying the details of dust via analysis of unenhanced imagery The corresponding enhancement, highlighting areas of significant dust as shades of bright pink and orange, provides a markedly improved sensitivity and level of detail to the many dust features present in the scene NRL also developed and provided a variety of additional satellite data products to assist in distinguishing environmental features of interest. The products included low cloud, convective cloud top, contrails, snow, smoke and “hot spots”, and satellite/model overlays. The products were presented collectively on Secure Internet via NRL’s Satellite Focus webpage, hosted in coordination with FNMOC and available to all DoD assets. Low Clouds at Night Snow Cover High Clouds Low Clouds Smoke Plume Smoke Plume Tanker Location Aircraft Contrails Cloud Top Altitudes in Kilofeet Oil Tanker Attack Off Yemen Coast

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