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Aged Care Workforce Reform Request For Proposal Information Session Friday 20 January 2012, 12.30 - 1.30 pm Building Workforce Capacity to Prevent Functional.

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Presentation on theme: "Aged Care Workforce Reform Request For Proposal Information Session Friday 20 January 2012, 12.30 - 1.30 pm Building Workforce Capacity to Prevent Functional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aged Care Workforce Reform Request For Proposal Information Session Friday 20 January 2012, 12.30 - 1.30 pm Building Workforce Capacity to Prevent Functional Decline in the Community (HWA-RFP/2011/004)

2 2 Information session outline Session 3: Friday, 20 January 12.30 -1.30pm Rules and conduct of the Webinar Information session (1 hour) Webinar scheduled for 1 hour –0 - 25min Webinar conduct & HWA presentation –25 - 45min Q&A session questions submitted prior –45 - 60min Open Q&A items posted during Webinar. All participants on mute for first part Posting questions – via the control panel. Recorded & lodged on HWA website afterwards If you log out by mistake: revisit registration confirmation email

3 3 Agenda: RFP 004 General issues for health and aged care reform across all four Request for Proposals (RFPs) Issues specific to this RFP Access to video-recording of the session Q&A on the HWA Aged Care Workforce Reform webpage

4 4 Request for Proposal (RFP) You have expressed interest in HWA -ACR -RFP 004 General: all proposals required by 17 February - submit completed template (Section 3 of RFP) Information provision will continue via FAQ section on website Workforce focus; aged care irrespective of setting; not a service design project Themes: represent major pressures on system + evidence for workforce change

5 5 General Health & Aged Care workforce issues Strategy: use our current workforce more productively for more accessible and responsive services; drive large scale adoption Overcome –Poor uptake of evidence ; not built on lessons of the past –Trying to put service evidence in place with rigid old workforce structures –Think differently about way we design and use workforce: paradigm shift –Single role workforce projects with limited scope to affect large scale change –Silos of action across boundaries –Disconnected / duplicated work across client journey –Not reorienting successfully to wellness, early intervention, primary health care Implement evidence of what works – CfOP project + jurisdictional initiatives + international evidence; - mostly known what we should be changing; - barriers to how we mainstream change (policy: industrial, funding)

6 6 RFP: Implementation projects Broad requirements: Work backwards from client needs Comprehensive package of change (all workforce in theme) reflecting systems change Must be competency-based redesign of roles v. traditionally allocated work –changes to workforce skill mix, configuration and deployment Focus on capacity of assistants & generalist staff to drive full scope of practice in other groups Internal - Partnering arrangement reflecting continuum of care External - Capacity building: leadership for change + knowledge management in your RFP group

7 7 Project management Funding agreements: three-stage approach to implementing evidence of redesigned workforce models Stage 1 – Setup: three to six months to set up the evidence based and agreed model for implementation and evaluation framework against set criteria in the RFP. Stage 2 – Implementation: implement and monitor the model for at least ten months. Stage 3 – Evaluation structured evaluation process that HWA will develop in partnership with the organisations for common and specific outputs and outcomes (will include use of Impact Assessment Framework, Investment Logic Standard ).

8 8 How do we expect you to work together?  Work closely with HWA via a variety of mechanisms to achieve optimal redesign and diffusion of knowledge  Lead organisation for RFPs 1-3: drive leadership for change, knowledge management, challenge and innovation to push the boundaries, performance/ process/ data & sustainability  Internal partnering with your own stakeholders  Attendance at up to three funded workshops for knowledge management and to drive shared redesign / reform approaches in your RFP group  Capacity building - leadership for change and management development with HWA and partners  Demonstration of sustainability beyond funding ; determination of what is required for large scale adoption

9 9 Anticipated outcomes & evaluation  Decreased pressure on system: avoidable Emergency Department presentations or GP visits  Population health : less episodes of deterioration or preventable age related conditions  Workforce productivity: whole net gains for greater number of services for same or less cost  Models of flexible workforce configuration (balance of professional/ support staff);  Workforce responsiveness: increased and continuous access to supply of right services, first time;  Workforce flexibility: models of workforce practice adaptable and flexible to future change;  Workforce supply: sustainability factors (measured for net cost and cost effectiveness).

10 10 Location of Evidence Throughout the RFP references to sources of evidence used in Workforce Innovation: Caring for Older People program (CfOP) 2010-11 CfOP: de-identified draft reports pre- RFP. Full availability post contract negotiation Your RFP group knowledge management CfOP Wrap Up Event 23/24 Feb 2012 :

11 11 Sub-ProjectProject Focus Suitable RFP Organisations Individual Project $ Lead Organisation Project $ Building Workforce Capacity to Prevent Functional Decline in the community More productive & flexible balance of broad generalist, core support and full / extended scope of practice workforce across services and transition points. Health services and aged care organisations from government, non-government or private sectors in the community and with linkages to acute care/ GP teams Max $250,000 (excl GST) per proposal Up to eight sites $150,000 facilitation of leadership for change, knowledge management, coherence and rigour HWA RFP – ACR – RFP 004

12 12 Specific workforce redesign (RFP 004)  Systems approach to reform & reorient to Healthy Ageing;  Functions, evidence based practice and competencies mapped across client journey/ key services – drive fit for purpose redesign for all workforce  Competencies based approach to redesign skill mix, configuration of roles and deployment of community & aged care staff, GP teams, AHPs and HACC support staff at four levels  Full scopes of practice (generalist & specific) for assistant, support and supplementary workforce  introducing & reinforcing ‘risk alerts’, self management, service navigation, assistance in therapy services to prevent deterioration  release clinical staff to work at full scope of practice  Harnessing role of volunteers and unpaid carers  High performing, virtual inter-disciplinary team working and liaising across boundaries and at critical transition points including emergency/ GP teams

13 13 Enablers : RFP 004  Enablers - local:  governance structures required to consistently support delegation, supervision, protocol-driven care, monitoring and resource support, and provide staff with credibility, greater attraction and retention  e-health technologies to connect / supervise  agreed care pathways/ roles across sectors  general aged care/ mental health / wellness model competencies  self-efficacy and health literacy : clients & workforce  ‘fit for purpose’ training, consistency of training, ongoing education to support continuous improvement (Relates particularly to the Cert III and IV level training – RTO partnerships);  Enablers - systems: foreshadow changes required in industrial & funding policy

14 14 Using competency-based redesign Framework designed for ‘whole of workforce’ approach Common core competencies at transition points Capture productivity benefits flowing on from any workforce change Four levels of competence across all service elements to increase access & responsiveness –Core support –Advanced / technical support –Clinical –Advanced / expert clinical

15 15 Future Client Care- Core competencies AND RiskConsumer Directed Choice Self Efficacy Range of Ax Social Inclusion Providing Care on an evidence base (EB) (technical/ professiona l / support) Care Co- ordination Producing Research for Evidence Based Practice Levels of action Expert6 4565656 Clinical5 5555555 Advanced support/ tech 3-4 443-442/3/43-42/3/4 Core2 3323121 Example only Levels : 1 awareness; 2 identify ; 3 interpret and analyse; 4 strategise; 5 leadership; 6 policy and planning

16 16 HWA RFP Information Session Posted questions pre- webinar Your questions posted during the information session Q&A on webpage - per specific RFP, - general

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