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Motivation, Satisfaction, and Performance Pertemuan 17 & 18

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2 Motivation, Satisfaction, and Performance Pertemuan 17 & 18
Matakuliah : L0244 – Psikologi Kepemimpinan Tahun : 2010 Motivation, Satisfaction, and Performance Pertemuan 17 & 18

3 Introduction The ability to motivate others is a fundamental leadership skill and has strong connections to managerial incompetence. Variation in work output varies significantly across leaders and followers. Creating highly motivated and satisfied followers depends, most of all, on understanding others. Bina Nusantara University

4 Defining Motivation, Satisfaction, and Performance
Motivation: Anything that provides direction, intensity, and persistence to behavior. Not directly observable; must be inferred from behavior. Performance: Behaviors directed toward the organization’s mission or goals, or the products and services resulting from those behaviors. Differs from effectiveness. Job Satisfaction: How much one likes a specific kind of job or work activity. Related to organizational citizenship behaviors. Bina Nusantara University

5 Relationships between Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Performance
Bina Nusantara University

6 Understanding and Influencing Follower Motivation
Motivational theories are useful in certain situations but not as applicable in others. Knowledge about different motivational theories helps choose the right theory for a particular follower and situation. Often results in higher-performance and more satisfied employees. Most performance problems can be attributed to unclear expectations, skill deficits, resource/ equipment shortages, or a lack of motivation. Bina Nusantara University

7 Eleven Motivational Approaches
Bina Nusantara University

8 Need Theories Needs: Refer to internal states of tension or arousal, or uncomfortable states of deficiency people are motivated to change. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory Alderfer’s Expectancy-Relatedness-Growth (ERG) theory Bina Nusantara University

9 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Bina Nusantara University

10 Concluding Thoughts on Need Theories
Leaders should start by determining if follower’s lower-level needs are being satisfied. These theories do not make specific predictions about what an individual will do to satisfy a particular need. Awareness of general nature of various sorts of basic human needs seems fundamentally useful to leaders. Basic, fundamental areas need to be addressed first. Bina Nusantara University

11 Individual Differences in Motivation
Assumes people differ in key personality traits, work values, and the work they like to do. Concluding thoughts on individual differences in motivation: Ensure that followers exert needed effort for task accomplishment by selecting individuals already high in these motives. To determine what followers find to be intrinsically motivating, simply ask them what they like to do. By reassigning work according to values and intrinsic interests, leaders may be able to get higher-quality work and have more satisfied employees. Bina Nusantara University

12 Key Work Values and Motivational Strategies
Bina Nusantara University

13 Cognitive Theories Goal setting: Goals are the most powerful determinants of task behavior. Pygmalion Effect Golem Effect Expectancy theory: Assumes that people act in ways that maximize their expectations of attaining valued outcomes. Effort-to-performance expectancy Performance-to-outcome expectancy Valence Bina Nusantara University

14 An Example of Expectancy Theory
Bina Nusantara University

15 Cognitive Theories (continued)
Equity theory: Assumes that people value fairness in leader–follower exchange relationships. Followers presumably reach decisions about equitable relationships by assigning values to four elements. Self-efficacy: Concerns one’s core beliefs about being able to successfully perform a given task. Positive self-efficacy Negative self-efficacy Bina Nusantara University

16 Concluding Thoughts on Cognitive Theories of Motivation
All four cognitive theories assume that changing followers’ thoughts will help them engage in particular tasks and activities. Leaders can influence followers’ motivational levels by: Clearly articulating expected outcomes. Clarifying the links between efforts and rewards. Providing training, coaching, and feedback to followers. Cognitive theories place a strong premium on leader–follower communication. Bina Nusantara University

17 Situational Approaches
Operant Approach: Reward Punishment Contingent rewards or punishments Noncontingent rewards and punishments Extinction Bina Nusantara University

18 Situational Approaches (continued)
Operant principles: Clearly specify what behaviors are important. Determine if those behaviors are currently being punished, rewarded, or ignored. Find out what followers actually find rewarding and punishing. Be wary of creating perceptions of inequity when administering individually tailored rewards. Do not limit oneself to administering organizationally sanctioned rewards and punishments. Administer rewards and punishments in a contingent manner whenever possible. Bina Nusantara University

19 Situational Approaches (continued)
Empowerment: Top-down approach to delegation Bottom-up approach to delegation Macro psychological components: Motivation Learning Stress Micro components of empowerment: Self-determination Meaning Competence Influence Bina Nusantara University

20 Concluding Thoughts on Situational Approaches to Motivation
Leaders naively assume it is easier to change an individual than it is to change the situation. Leaders can often see positive changes in followers’ motivation levels by restructuring work processes and procedures. It can increase their latitude to make decisions and add more meaning to work. If properly designed and administered, then in many cases followers will successfully work through their resistance. Bina Nusantara University

21 The Empowerment Continuum
Bina Nusantara University

22 Understanding and Influencing Follower Satisfaction
Research has shown that satisfied workers are more likely to continue working for an organization. More likely to engage in organizational citizenship behaviors. Dissatisfied workers: More likely to be adversarial in their relations with leadership. May engage in diverse sorts of counterproductive behaviors. Employee turnover has the most immediate impact on leadership practitioners. Functional turnover Dysfunctional turnover Bina Nusantara University

23 Why People Leave or Stay with Organizations
Bina Nusantara University

24 Global, Facet, and Life Satisfaction
Three different types of items are typically found on a job satisfaction survey: Global satisfaction Facet satisfaction Life satisfaction Other important findings include: Hierarchy effect Survey results are most useful when they can be compared with those from some reference group. Bina Nusantara University

25 Typical Items on a Satisfaction Questionnaire
Bina Nusantara University

26 Results of a Facet Satisfaction Survey
Bina Nusantara University

27 Theories of Job Satisfaction
Affectivity: Refers to one’s tendency to react to stimuli in a consistent emotional manner. Negative affectivity Positive affectivity Hezberg’s Two-Factor Theory Motivators Hygiene factors Organizational Justice Interactional justice Distributive justice Procedural justice Bina Nusantara University

28 Motivators and Hygiene Factors of the Two-Factor Theory
Bina Nusantara University

29 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Bina Nusantara University

30 Summary Performance and motivation are not the same thing.
People often have varying levels of satisfaction for different aspects of their jobs. Many of the approaches to understanding motivation have distinct implications for increasing performance and satisfaction. Followers, as well as leaders are more likely to have positive attitudes about work if they believe that what they do is important and that the reward and disciplinary systems are fair and just. Bina Nusantara University

31 Reference Hughes., Ginnett., & Curpy. (2009). Leadership: Enhancing The Lesson of Experience. 6 eds. McGraw-Hill. Boston. Bina Nusantara University

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