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The Effects of Citric Acid and Toothpaste Exposure on the Erosion of a Tooth Luke Emery – Cousino Alexis Grimshaw – Lakeview.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effects of Citric Acid and Toothpaste Exposure on the Erosion of a Tooth Luke Emery – Cousino Alexis Grimshaw – Lakeview."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effects of Citric Acid and Toothpaste Exposure on the Erosion of a Tooth Luke Emery – Cousino Alexis Grimshaw – Lakeview

2 Emery - Grimshaw 2 Tooth Erosion Caused by acidic and sugary foods and drinks Dissolves enamel Can lead to tooth decay

3 Emery - Grimshaw 3 Tooth Erosion Tooth sensitivity and pain Discoloration Heart disease and stroke

4 Emery - Grimshaw 4 What are Teeth? Hard, white boney structures Used for chewing and the breakdown of food Coated with enamel Protects teeth from sugar and acid

5 Emery - Grimshaw 5 Eggshells Instead of Teeth Thinner – faster results Contain enamel Similar chemical composition Calcium Real teeth are difficult to obtain

6 Emery - Grimshaw 6 What is Citric Acid? Weak, organic acid Natural preservative Found in citrus fruits Used to add sour flavor to foods and drinks

7 Potential Hydrogen (pH) Acid (below 7) Neutral (7) Base (above 7) Battery acidLemon juicePineapple juiceOrange juicePure water Milk of Magnesia

8 Emery - Grimshaw 8 Tooth Erosion Differences in the masses of eggshells Measured in grams (g)

9 Emery - Grimshaw 9 Toothpaste Exposure Simulates brushing teeth Varying time exposed Protects enamel on teeth

10 Emery - Grimshaw 10 Juice Juices with citric acid Varying pH levels Simulates drinking acidic beverages Erodes teeth

11 Table 1 Levels of Independent Variables Juice (pH) Toothpaste Exposure (hours) (-)S(+)(-)S(+) Orange (4.35) Pineapple (3.65) Lemon (2.75) 244872 Emery - Grimshaw 11

12 Emery - Grimshaw 12 Predicted Outcome High citric acid and low toothpaste exposure will result in the greatest loss

13 Materials 13 Emery - Grimshaw

14 Table 2 Averages of Mass Differences (g) Group (J,T) Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Average (+,+)0.13820.14520.11170.1317 (+,-)0.18910.13450.09630.1400 (-,+)0.03070.03330.02460.0295 (-,-)0.04760.08440.03010.0540 Standard0.03490.01050.01370.0197 14 Emery - Grimshaw

15 Figure 1. Standard Runs 15 Emery - Grimshaw

16 16 Table 3 Main Effect of Juice Mass Difference (g) (-) Orange(+) Lemon 0.02950.1317 0.05400.1400 0.04180.1359

17 Figure 2. Main Effect of JuiceMain Effect of Juice Emery - Grimshaw 17

18 Observations Emery - Grimshaw 18

19 Emery - Grimshaw 19 Table 4 Main Effect of Toothpaste Exposure Mass Difference (g) (-) 24(+) 72 0.14000.1317 0.05400.0295 0.09700.0806

20 Figure 3. Main Effect of Toothpaste Exposure Emery - Grimshaw 20

21 Observations Emery - Grimshaw 21

22 Emery - Grimshaw 22 Table 5 Mass Differences (g) Toothpaste Exposure (hours) (-)(+) Juice (pH) Solid(+)0.14000.1317 Dotted(-)0.05400.0295

23 Figure 4. Interaction Effect Emery - Grimshaw 23 Juice (+) Juice (-) 0.0081

24 Observations Emery - Grimshaw 24

25 Emery - Grimshaw 25 Predicted Outcome Original hypothesis was accepted High citric acid and low toothpaste exposure will result in the greatest loss

26 Emery - Grimshaw 26 Experimental Flaws Did not use real teeth Two store bought juices, one freshly squeezed

27 Emery - Grimshaw 27 Errors Reused cups Variation of soaking time Cracked eggshells Human error

28 Emery - Grimshaw 28 Discoveries Citric acid is harmful to teeth when consumed in large amounts Oral hygiene contributes to overall health Toothpaste is not enough

29 Emery - Grimshaw 29 Real-World Application Want a beautiful smile?

30 Emery - Grimshaw 30 Real-World Application Doctors of Dental Surgery

31 Emery - Grimshaw 31 Real-World Application Frequent juice drinkers

32 Emery - Grimshaw 32 Recap How citric acid and toothpaste affect tooth erosion Found loss of mass after eggshells were exposed to toothpaste and juices with high levels of citric acid

33 Emery - Grimshaw 33 Recap Citric acid proved to have a positive effect on tooth erosion Toothpaste exposure proved to have a negative effect on tooth erosion Citric acid (+) and toothpaste exposure (-) lost the greatest amount of mass

34 Emery - Grimshaw 34 Works Cited “Are you drinking juice in your breakfast.” 14 November 2008. Web. 28 May 2012. Rios, Daniela, et al. “Insights into preventative measures for dental erosion.” 16 September 2008. Web. 28 May 2012. “Wed in Boston.” 11 August 2011. Web. 28 May 2012. “Welcome to Dentist in Houston.” Web. 28 May 2012. Willis, Bill. “pH, Acids, and Bases.” Wunderland Website Design. Web. 28 May 2012.


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