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Intelligent Mouthguard

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1 Intelligent Mouthguard
Nick Sylvester Lauren McGarry Nick Jones Howard Yeh Faculty Advisor: Adam Bartsch PhD PE

2 Why is this important? There is an estimated 1.6 to 3.8 million sports concussions in the US every year These figures are epidemic caliber by the Center for Disease Control standards A high school athletic trainer survey indicated 5% players suffer concussion each season while player surveys indicate 50% of players getting 1 concussion per season and nearly 1/3 of players suffering 2 or 3. Math: 100 players per team -> (100)(.5) + (2.5) (33) = approx. 130 concussions per season -> Colossal difference 5<<130 Clear public safety issue

3 Solution The Intelligent Mouthguard Quantified data
Quickly identify players that need checked Hard to fake numbers

4 Project Overview Tasks Deliverables Preliminary research Bench testing
Similar devices Concussion threshold Cranium rigid body dynamics derivation Field video analysis Bench testing Troubleshooting guide 4 boards lab tested

5 Defining a Threshold Naval Research Center. A.K. Ommaya. 1967.
Summary: Testing on Rhesus Monkeys Method: Colburn equation (brain mass) → Scaling factor Threshold unit: Angular acceleration Result: 7,500 rad/sec2 Reliability: Definition of “concussive” Wayne State University. L. Zhang Summary: Analysis of 24 on-field head collisions Method: Lab reenactment of collisions Threshold unit: Shear stress (brain stem tissue) Result: 7.8 kPa = 50% probability Reliability: Frequency of videos vs impact Rhesus Monkey: inverse ⅔ power

6 Uncertainty Accuracy vs. Precision Classic example: Dartboard
What does error really mean? for example 95%

7 Tekscan I-Scan System Similar to the Tactilus System
Heavily used in biomedical applications Accuracies of ±5% with a repeatability of ≤ ±3.5%

8 Shockwatch Binary Visual Indicator ±10%-15%

9 Tactilus High Speed System
High Speed Tactile Sensor System Can record events lasting 1 millisecond Pressure Mapping Used in automotive crash testing Uncertainty of 10%

10 Sports Impact Measurement Systems
Head band with accelerometers and gyroscopes Relays data to phone app No mention of uncertainty Reebok Checklight Skull Cap with accelerometers and gyroscopes Gives a visual indicator of a head injury Binary tool No mention of Uncertainty

11 X-2 Biosystems Created after Rich Able witness his son get knocked out in a football game Mouthpiece, head band, sticker Multiple major sports league contracts Mouthpiece was discontinued after being sued

12 Uncertainty of X-2 Biosystems
No uncertainties given Closest values to uncertainty given are coefficients of determination from graphs R2 values ranged from Results haven’t been replicated

13 Football Helmet Design
National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment Helmets are designed to reduce skull fracture Peak severity <1200 SI 11.34 ft/s drops severity <300 SI Can’t deform during testing Xenith helmet

14 Summary of Video Analysis
Small sample size Each sport has unique, specific actions ex. football hits, hockey fights Most common characteristics Spatial: X and Y directions

15 Video Analysis Football and Rugby
Procedure Similar spatial and temporal components XZ-axis Upward from the front Most range of motion in the neck leading to most potential to accumulate angular acceleration Y-axis Side of the skull is the thinnest Look for unconsciousness events and phenomenon referred to as “alligator arms”

16 Video Analysis Example

17 Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
Understand rigid body assumptions rA/B is constant Rigid-body equations Velocity: angular component Acceleration: tangential and normal components

18 General Case But how is it derived WITHOUT rigid body assumptions?
Cannot assume relative v, a = 0 rA/B can vary Time derivative of a vector XYZ = global/reference axis xyz = body V = vector Ω = angular velocity of body

19 Velocity Derivation

20 Acceleration Derivation

21 Acceleration Derivation

22 Testing

23 Goals of Testing Comparison of impact data measured by mouthguard system to acceleration data recorded by a reference system or “gold standard.” Validation—how do our measurements match up with gold standard/reference We only did component testing

24 Materials Two systems: reference and mouthguard
2 systems—reference (gold standard) and mouth guard circuit board Notes on paper record correlation between two systems’ data

25 Materials Foam versus Rubber
2 different materials on which the board is dropped: foam and rubber (both actually a foam)

26 Materials Rig to which both are attached
3 drops for 3 heights on 2 materials--18 tests per configuration for 3 configurations (3 axes)

27 Methods Set impact threshold and duration on computer
Mouthguard circuit board has 3 modes Procedure: Wake board with impact Lift to height Standby while reference system begins to record When both systems are transmitting data, drop carriage Record acceleration peaks Record time Set impact threshold and duration on computer—when computer will start recording data and for how long it will record. Trigger value shold be close to peak value. Board has 3 modes, distinguished by lights on the board. Wake it up and put it in active mode for tests. After 15 seconds, it will enter radio mode, where it will communicate all its data with the computer. So, basically how it works is: Wake up, lift to height, standby, start recording, drop, “trigger”. Record acceleration peaks. Record time.

28 Results Mouthguard system Reference system
Analyzed in more detail by people other than us

29 Obstacles Senioritis Availability of boards
Software and board prototypes “misbehaving”

30 Future Work Headgear design research In-vitro testing In-vivo testing
Validating future generations should Dr. Bartsch decide to go this route

31 Questions?

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