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19_2 Media Measurement and Rates. Media Measurements & Rates Businesses need to reach as many targeted customers as possible. It is important to calculate.

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Presentation on theme: "19_2 Media Measurement and Rates. Media Measurements & Rates Businesses need to reach as many targeted customers as possible. It is important to calculate."— Presentation transcript:

1 19_2 Media Measurement and Rates

2 Media Measurements & Rates Businesses need to reach as many targeted customers as possible. It is important to calculate costs and measure media effectiveness to reach a potential audience.

3 Media Measurement Audience  The number of homes or people exposed to an advertisement Impression  A single exposure to an advertising message Frequency  The number of times an audience sees or hears an advertisement Cost per thousand (CPM)  the media cost of exposing 1,000 readers or viewers to an advertising impression

4 Media Measurements (cont.) Print media = total number of readers per issue (circulation vs. audience) Broadcast Media TV=Nielsen Media Research (Feb., May, July, Nov.)Nielsen Top 10 for TV Radio=Arbitron CompanyArbitron

5 II. Media Rates Standard Rate & Data Service – private company which publishes rate cards for most major media Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) – verifies circulation numbers for businesses

6 A. Newspaper Rates Classified – pay by the word & grouped together into specific categories Display – cost is based on location in paper and space. quotes are determined by one column inch 1. Factors That Affect Rates run-of-paper rates or preferred locations color open rate/noncontract rate yearly frequency contract vs. bulk space contract 2. Comparing Rates Cost of the ad X 1,000/Circulation = CPM

7 B. Magazine Rates circulation type of readership production techniques 15-20% more for bleeds premium position 1. Rate Discounts

8 C. Online Rates Banner Rich-media enhanced banner Button Interstitial – show a webpage prior to the desired page

9 D. Radio Rates National, Network, Local R-O-S Run of Schedule

10 E. Television Rates Prime Time 7-10 p.m. Day 9-4 p.m. Late Fringe 10:35-1 a.m. Overnight 1-5 a.m.

11 III. Promotional Budget Methods 1. Percentage of Sales 2. All you can Afford 3. Following the Competition 4. Objective & Task

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