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….do you remember these? 1. Text structure 2. Compare / contrast

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Presentation on theme: "….do you remember these? 1. Text structure 2. Compare / contrast"— Presentation transcript:

1 ….do you remember these? 1. Text structure 2. Compare / contrast
3. Question / answer 4. Cause / effect 5. Topic / detail 6. Sequential order

2 Compare / Contrast Where the similarities and differences of two or more things are explored Must be talking about BOTH, or it’s not technically compare / contrast

3 Question / answer when the author poses a question and then answers that question (can be with an argument or an answer)

4 Cause & Effect explains why something happened or explains the effects of something the thing that occurs is the CAUSE; the results are EFFECTS Signal words: because, as a result, resulted, caused, affected, since, due to,

5 The Demise of Jacob Marley
Topic / Detail The Demise of Jacob Marley Employment Leads to Unhappiness - While Marley was wildly successful being business partners with Scrooge, his greed eventually took over his personal life. Results of His Actions - Marley was cursed to wander the natural world, his only company the chains he was forced to carry with him. when the author provides different topics (usually headings) and argues each topic with a evidence.

6 Sequential Order shows the order of steps or stages in a process; can also show how a subject changes over time.

7 Identifying Text Structures Game
- At your table, split yourself into teams of boys vs. girls. Grab a whiteboard and marker. Create an (APPROPRIATE) team name. GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!

8 Split your whiteboard into two parts.
What type of text structure is being used? HOW do you know you are correct? Complete sentence = complete points!

9 Question 1 American soldiers during the Revolutionary War suffered horrible conditions to win independence, including Fire Cake. To make, first mix flour with water until you get thick, damp dough. Then, form it into a cake and in your palms. Put this doughy lump on a greased cookie sheet and bake it until it is brown.

10 Question 2 What do Finding Nemo and Robocop have in common? These movies may seem very different, but they both feature characters who suffer amnesia. Amnesia is a common plot device in movies and TV shows, but how accurate are these depictions? In television and movies, memory loss caused by a knock to the head (post-traumatic amnesia) is shown as fairly common, when it is actually quite rare. These films make amnesia look simple and easily manageable; in actuality, it can be a life-changing experience.

11 Question 3 Though the Americans suffered many losses early on in the war, the momentum began to shift after the Battle of Saratoga. During the battle, the Americans captured British General Burgoyne’s army. This victory convinced other countries, especially France, that the Americans could win the war. Because of this, not only did France declare war on England, but other nations also began openly supporting the American fight for independence. CAUSE

12 Question 4 In most cases American soldiers could not stand toe-to-toe against British soldiers. The British were better trained, better armed, and more experienced. When the American soldiers attempted to match the British, they suffered heavy losses. The Americans had to use what advantages they had, so they developed what is now known as guerilla warfare.

13 Question 5 There are many advantages of a year round school schedule; you get numerous four week breaks and get to see your friends more often. Many students and teachers alike argue that a year round calendar offers very needed mini breaks throughout the year. However, others argue that you never really get a summer ‘vacation’ and it may affect schedules for extra-curricular activities like band and athletics. On the other end of the spectrum, teachers are students can also argue that these four week breaks, while nice at the time, eventually cut into summer break and require students to begin school in July.

14 Question 6 We’ve all been there – the graduation ceremonies that never seem to end. But really - what causes individuals to obtain higher education degrees? For some, additional degrees (such as a masters or doctorate) mean an increase in pay. In other cases, extra degrees can sometimes mean the ability to apply for different jobs that can further a career. However, what seems to be the largest reason that many get higher education degrees? It’s quite simple – they are trying to increase their education.

15 Question 7 Americans were split into two groups: Patriots and Loyalists. Patriots were Americans who supported the struggle for independence. They believed that Americans should be free from the control of an English king. Loyalists were Americans who remained loyal to the crown. While both could be considered ‘Americans,’ both groups had radically different views on their personal allegiances.

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