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Learning Objectives To understand what kind of questions will be asked on Paper 2 Section B. To be able to write a formal letter. To be able to write to.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives To understand what kind of questions will be asked on Paper 2 Section B. To be able to write a formal letter. To be able to write to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objectives To understand what kind of questions will be asked on Paper 2 Section B. To be able to write a formal letter. To be able to write to argue for a particular audience. To be able to develop your ideas in a formal letter.

2 Section B Tasks Letters Reports Articles/Reviews Leaflets Speech/phone-in Purpose Audience Format Register Content Accuracy of expression

3 Advice Check how much time you have left and divide it between the two questions. Plan PAF + content (around 4 paras) When finished, check for accuracy – does it make sense? Have you punctuated properly? PARAGRAPHS!

4 Formal Letter Writing Use correct layout Dear Sir/Madam, Yours faithfully, Dear Mr Smith, Yours sincerely,

5 Questions The following is an extract from a letter which appeared in a national newspaper: ‘Have we gone mad? We are paying pop stars, sportsmen and women and actors and actresses more in a week than most people earn in a year. When people are homeless or living in poverty, the money paid to these so-called ‘stars’ is obscene and totally unjustified.’ Write a letter to the newspaper giving your views on this issue. You may agree or disagree with this point.

6 Model answers First paragraph does what? Refers to ‘topic’ payment of celebrities and set out own view. Key phrases - in response to/ in reply to Final paragraph –makes one last point and links nicely with topic, by summing up

7 Techniques Used - Model Answers Emotive language – shocking, wasteful, unfair, ridiculous, pointless Looking at opposing argument and destroying it “pointing the finger at celebrities…doesn’t solve the problem” Connecting phrases – firstly, however, of course Repetition and list of three– guilty Rhetorical question “Does anybody need this?” Contrasts – “some should have so much while others have so little” Polite and formal (no ranting) “You must understand I am not deliberately attacking these people”

8 Formal Letter Feedback Layout – learn it and use it Use connecting phrases – Surely, Of course If using a connective, put a comma after it However, Firstly, Lifes or lives? Refer to the topic of the letter in the first sentence (there are many letters printed on various topics) Rhetorical devices – facts/ figures/ questions/ emotive language Do try to give solutions rather than just complaining (government should…We should…)

9 Endings - Class Good Practice Finally, I think the real stars in this world are the doctors, nurses and medical teams, not people seen on T.V. Finally, pop stars, sportsmen and actors should still be looked up to for their achievements, but should not have stupid amounts of money wasted on them for their minor achievements to society. Surely, a national awareness week or a push on homelessness would be more beneficial, than arguing over how much the latest X-factor winner earns in a year.

10 More examples of good practice All I ask is for you to see two sides of this and to realise that some ‘stars’, even though being paid ‘obscene’ wages, have done some good. Live Aid. What an amazing project run by ‘super stars’ with their “totally unjustified” money. Yes, these stars could do more to help poor people but couldn’t we all? In the end it is up to all of us, rich and poor, to help each other. In my eyes, people who work hard to support their family, these are the real celebrities. These hard-working citizens are more of a true role model than most of these ‘stars’ who take every opportunity to flaunt themselves in public.

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