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Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Datagrid Software Repository Presentation CVS, packages and automatic.

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Presentation on theme: "Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Datagrid Software Repository Presentation CVS, packages and automatic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Datagrid Software Repository Presentation CVS, packages and automatic building Yannick Patois E-mail

2 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Summary  Introduction The repositories Packages and code  Packages Repository Presentation Downloading softwares  Code Repository Browsing the code (CVSweb) Anonymous CVS access Read/Write CVS access  Autobuild system Presentation D6.2 validation page

3 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Introduction  The Datagrid Software Repository Hosted at CC-IN2P3 Main services:  Source code management for developers (CVS)  Packages distribution (RPMS)  The autobuild/check system Web interface for package download located on

4 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 http://marianne.in2p3.f r Documentation: See the European Datagrid Installation Guide Download area Packages and CVS access

5 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Dowloading Software  Lists contains RH linux RPMS  Sorted by: Items (a Globus release) Functionalities (a Computing Element) Version numbered  LCFG A tool to install and upgrade a datagrid farm (automatic upgrade and replication) CVS module 'edg-release' Link to RPMS lists (curently being updated next edg release)

6 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Package repository  Package type rpm, rpms tar.gz  Package origin RH 6.2 and updates Globus rpms (packaged by edg) Some external packages EDG middleware Some edg applications (wp8, 9 & 10)  Under applications applications/wp10 applications/wp8 applications/wp9 applications/common config datagrid/wp1 datagrid/wp2...6 datagrid/wp7 datagrid/security rh6.2 external globus/beta-20 globus/beta-21 globus/edgconfig rpmlists rpmlists/edg-release rpmlists/

7 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Browsing the code - CVSweb  CVSweb access Fast access for a quick look on code Host all code from WPs Is up-to-date with the most recent changes Can also host code for some applications

8 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Anonymous CVS access  Anonymous CVS access is enabled through an ssh tunneling on a non- standard port (2222).  To use anonymous CVS access, you first have to setup CVSROOT and CVS_RSH: $ setenv CVS_RSH ssh $ setenv CVSROOT  The configuration of the ~/.ssh/config should be as follow: Host Protocol 2 Port 2222 PasswordAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication no Compression no User anoncvs  You can now access the repository with usual CVS commands, but only read-only operations will be allowed (checkout, log, etc).

9 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Read/Write CVS access

10 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Autobuild System  Purpose Build on a standard platform Create packages for distribution Check functionalities  Some of what is currently done: Identify and checkout the latest tagged version of a module Try to compile it, install it, generate the API documentation and generate packages (RPM, SPRM and tar.zg sources). Check various points regarding D6.2 conformance.

11 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 Autobuild System : result page Note: a few (questionable) modules removed from this figure

12 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 D6.2 conformance: result Note: a few (questionable) modules removed from this table

13 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 D6.2 conformance: what is checked (1)  The module name list is manually generated from the list of rpms packages, following the concept of "One package, one module".  CVS tag Tag against which the build attempt was made. HEAD means "latest CVS version", and it's bad If the tag is not in the recommended form (vx_y_z), a warning is issued Important note: Tags cannot be retrieved properly if there is no README file !  README, INSTALL and LICENSE An error appears if the requested file was not found at the module root For the LICENSE item, LICENSE or COPYING file name can be used  Virtual Module Every module should be top-level (at the CVS root) really or virtually (through CVSROOT/modules). An error is reported if it's not the case.

14 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 D6.2 conformance: what is checked (2)  Autotools, Configure, Make, Make install, Make dist, Make RPM, Make apidoc, Make userdoc, Make check Success or failed attempt when running the corresponding build command The test is quite basic at this point, and success show only that the target does exist in the Makefile and produced no errors when run, but absolutely not that the object has been successfully generated  Build Method Which build method was deduced by the script as being appropriated to this module. Right now there are:  Unknown  AutoTools+ Autotools with a "recursive_bootstrap" script  AutoTools Autotools with a "bootstrap" script  Configure Only a "configure" script  Makefile A Makefile  Ant Ant script (Java build tool)

15 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 D6.2 conformance: what is checked (3)  Task for each target: all  Compile what has to be compiled, create executable install  Install executables, and library to it's proper location dist  Create a tag.gz archive of the source code that can be distributed rpm  Create rpm and srpm archives. As a side effect, it should also create a source tar.gz archive in $TOPDIR/SOURCES  Task for each target (... continuing) apidoc  Generate API auto-documentation (usually through doxygen for C/C++ and JavaDoc for Java). A directory called 'apidoc' should contain this doc check  Not yet defined  RPMS, SRPMS, tar.gz Check the existence of the generated packages (binary rpms, source rpms and source tarball) in the $TOPDIR directory

16 Yannick Patois - Datagrid Software Repository Presentation - March, 5 2001 - n° 1 D6.2 conformance: result Note: a few (questionable) modules removed from this table

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