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Åke Sellström Project Manager. Resilience and Response International Perspective Future Developments.

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Presentation on theme: "Åke Sellström Project Manager. Resilience and Response International Perspective Future Developments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Åke Sellström Project Manager

2 Resilience and Response International Perspective Future Developments

3 Facts Under the Dean of Natural Science and Technology, University of Umeå  4 permanent staff  9 part time staff  60 engaged in projects 5 M Euro in funds


5 European Commission Policies Operative Support Research Education & Training

6 Policy ”Report of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Task Force (CBRN TF), 2009 ”

7 Operative Support  Identification and Recognition of Risk  Preparedness and Planning  Response and Incident Management

8 Research  FP 7 Security, 100 M euro  DG Justice, 24 M euro  DG SANCO, 30 M euro  DG Environment, 28 M euro

9 Education & Training  European level Cross – border Inter operability  Operational Inter operability Resource sharing

10 European Commission Policies Operative Support Research Education & Training

11 Åke Sellström, coordinator of Mash,

12 Dispersion of unknown toxic liquid in enclosed area, (4).

13  Mash was approved in May 2008.  € 800 000 was given to cover 60 % of costs.  Start April 2008 – end September 2010. MASs-casualties and Health-care following the release of toxic chemicals or radioactive materials.

14 Partners: The European CBRNE Centre, University of Umeå, Sweden; Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology InstRadBio Bw, Germany; Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas de Guipúzcoa, CEIT, Spain; Health Protection Agency, HPA, United Kingdom; Karolinska Institutet, KI, Sweden; SAMU de Paris, Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris, SAMU, France ; Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, Sweden.

15  Scenarios (WP 4), FOI  Present practise following mass exposure to radioactivity (WP 5), InstRadBio Bw,  Present practise following mass exposure to toxic chemicals (WP 6), SAMU  Reviewing opportunities in biotechnology (WP 7), KI  Reviewing opportunities in ICT (WP 8), CEIT  Fore-sight of future European preparedness (WP 9), HPA  Coordination (WP 1 – 3), The European CBRNE Center

16  Interoperability within EU What are the present preparedness? What is an acceptable base-line?  A military problem increasingly becoming a civilian problem? Competence and tradition as yet military. Modern civilian health care has no redundancy.  Introduction of modern developments (ICT, biotechnology). MASH Some key elements of todays preparedness

17 Partners: Luleå University of Technology Norrlands University Hospital CBRN Defence and Security Research University of Umeå

18 Working Packages: WP 1 Coordination WP 2 Strengthening of education WP 3 Exercises as teaching methodology WP 4 Crisis management WP 5 Smart communication WP 6 Technologies WP 7 The crisis - a difficult working environment

19 WP 2 Strengthening of education  How to become more effective?  How to increase quality? More academic. Better in profession.

20 The future… The future… European Commission and CBRNE  Information sharing  Minimum levels of preparedness  Standards of operations  Help and resource desk

21 The future… The future… European Commission vs UK  ”Best in the class syndrome…”  ”It is your money…”  ”The weakest link…”

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