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FACILITATED BY: Customary Tenure Security Tools World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "FACILITATED BY: Customary Tenure Security Tools World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 FACILITATED BY: Customary Tenure Security Tools World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2014

2 GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME FACILITATED BY: Global Land Tool Network GLTN – Customary Tenure Security Tools Currently 63 partners Land professionals, civil society, research and capacity development, multilateral and bilateral Shared commitment to developing tools that can enable the implementation of pro-poor and gender sensitive land policy A multi-sided platform The strength of the network is the multidisciplinary and multisector partnership with a focused agenda

3 GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME FACILITATED BY: GLTN OBJECTIVES GLTN – Customary Tenure Security Tools Establish a continuum of land rights rather just focus on individual land titling; Improve and develop pro-poor land management as well as land tenure tools; Unblock existing initiatives; Improve global coordination on land (Paris Declaration); Assist in the development of gender sensitive tools which are affordable and useful to NGOs/grassroots, professionals, academia/training and other stakeholders; Improve the dissemination of knowledge about how to improve security of tenure at scale CORE VALUES: Pro-poor, governance, equity, subsidiarity, affordability, systematic large scale approach, gender sensitiveness and sustainability.


5 FACILITATED BY: 5. THEMES AND 18 TOOLS -Customary identified by partners as a priority GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME 1. ACCESS TO LAND & TENURE SECURITY 1a. Enumerations for tenure security 1b. Continuum of land rights 1c. Deeds or titles 1d. Socially appropriate adjudication (STDM) 1e. Statutory and customary 1f. Co-management approaches 1g. Land record management for transactability 1h. Family and group rights 2. LAND MANAGEMENT & PLANNING 2a. Citywide slum upgrading 2b. Citywide spatial planning 2c. Regional land use planning 2d. Land readjustment (slum upgrading and/or post crisis; PILaR) 3. LAND ADMINISTRATION & INFORMATIONS 3a. Spatial units 3b. Modernizing of land agencies budget approach 4. LAND-BASED FINANCING 4a. Land tax for financial and land management 5. LAND POLICY AND LEGISLATION 5a. Regulatory framework for private sector 5b. Legal allocation of the assets of a deceased person (Estates administration, HIV/AIDS areas) 5c. Expopriation, eviction and compensation

6 GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME FACILITATED BY: THE TOOL DEVELOPMENT PROCESS – GENERIC STEPS GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME Training (6) Revision/ Adoption/ Dissemination (5) Revision/ Adoption/ Dissemination (5) Piloting/Testing (4) Piloting/Testing (4) Product Development (3) Product Development (3) Consultations (2) Consultations (2) Scoping Studies (1) Scoping Studies (1) TOOLDEVELOPMENTTOOLDEVELOPMENT - EGMs, E-Forum, Meetings Workshops - With (and through) partners - Specific products, i.e. criteria, guidelines, software (STDM) - At country level, with partners - Consultations with partners - Revisions, enhancement - Publication and dissemination - Devt. of training packages - Conduct of training, i.e. TOTs - Global knowledge - Current initiatives

7 GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME FACILITATED BY: APPROACH TO CUSTOMARY TENURE SECURITY TOOLS GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME Customary tenure security tool development process is currently at the scoping study stage. Where we are seeking to scope the range of tools being developed and used in the land sector. GLTN partners are engaged with customary land tools in a range of ways. Focus on capitalizing the experience and knowledge within the network and beyond Developing an analytical framework

8 GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME FACILITATED BY: The first stage we are at is working on collection and description of customary tenure security tools Recognizing that the tools are developed to respond to a range of different challenges (External and internal) Analyze the tools with regards to gender responsiveness and other values Identify critical success factors Working out ways to tackle the complexity

9 GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME FACILITATED BY: NEXT STEPS We are building a reference group for the research Develop the way forward – through the reference group and other consultations Ensuring linkages with regional processes Developing global and/or regional tools which can be adapted to country and local context We would like to foster broad engagement in the process, going forward

10 FACILITATED BY: GLTN BRIEFING AND PROGRAMME NEED TO KNOW MORE? GLTN Secretariat UN-Habitat, P.O Box 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya

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