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Vietnam's Trade Deficit with China Continues to Widen 2015/03/26 Presenters 洪青青 1203012210 林思静 1203012220 刘一岚 1203012224 潘娇玲 1203012225

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Presentation on theme: "Vietnam's Trade Deficit with China Continues to Widen 2015/03/26 Presenters 洪青青 1203012210 林思静 1203012220 刘一岚 1203012224 潘娇玲 1203012225"— Presentation transcript:


2 Vietnam's Trade Deficit with China Continues to Widen 2015/03/26 Presenters 洪青青 1203012210 林思静 1203012220 刘一岚 1203012224 潘娇玲 1203012225 2015-03/16/content_19825638.htm

3 Vietnam's trade deficit with China continues to widen in the first two months of 2015, said Vietnam' s Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) on Monday. Specifically, in the two-month period, Vietnam spent $7.482 billion importing goods from China while earning $2.312 billion from exports to the market, resulting in a trade deficit of $5.17 billion with China, some $2.8 billion higher than that of the same period in 2014, stated the Vietnam Industry and Trade Information Center (VITIC) under MOIT on its website.

4 Vietnam mainly exports raw material, such as rubber latex, coal, minerals, to China while importing finished products including tires and steel from the market, said VITIC. As domestic capacity of producing consumer goods fails to meet local demand, Vietnamese companies must import raw material and accessories from other countries such as China, which has an abundant supply with reasonable price, Bui Huy Son, head of MOIT' s Trade Promotion Agency on Vietnam Plus, was quoted by the state-run news agency VNA as saying.

5 In 2012, Vietnam's import revenue from China hit $28.784 billion, which rose to $36.937 billion in 2013 and $43. 867 billion in 2014, said VITIC.

6 WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS trade deficit : 贸易赤字 ; 贸易逆差 ; 入超 ; 贸易顺差 consumer goods : 生活消费品 finished products :成品 半成品: semi-finished product rubber latex :胶乳 accessory :配件 state-run :国营的 import revenue : 进口收入

7 越南工贸部 : The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) is the government ministry in Vietnam responsible for the advancement, promotion, governance, regulation, management and growth of industry and trade. The former Ministry of Trade has its origins in 1945 with the formation of the modern National Unification Cabinet, and became a ministry in its own right in 1955. The Ministry of Trade merged with the Ministry of Industry in 2007 to form the Ministry of Industry and trade. The current Minister of Industry and Trade is Vu Huy Hoang. Ministry main offices are located in Hanoi. BACKGROUND INFORMATION

8 什么是贸易逆差和贸易顺差? 贸易顺差( Favorable Balance 0f Trade/ trade surplus ) 所谓贸易顺差是指在特定年度一国出口贸易总额大 于进口贸易总额,又称 “ 出超 ” 。表示该国当年对外贸易 处于有利地位以正数表示,出口 > 进口 贸易逆差 ( Unfavorable Balance 0f Trade / trade deficit) 贸易逆差是指一个国家出口贸易总值小于进口贸易 总值。也叫做入超、贸易赤字。以负数表示,出口 < 进口 贸易平衡 ( Balance of Trade ) 贸易平衡是指一国在特定年度内外贸进、出口总额 基本上趋于平衡。出口 = 进口

9 Thank You

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