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Pollution Control Programs and Cooperation with Japan YU DI Dalian Environmental Protection Agency China.

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Presentation on theme: "Pollution Control Programs and Cooperation with Japan YU DI Dalian Environmental Protection Agency China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution Control Programs and Cooperation with Japan YU DI Dalian Environmental Protection Agency China

2 Tokyo Seoul Peking Dalian is located in the southern part of Liaodong peninsula in China. Pyongyang 大连 Dalia n Kitakyshu Dalian

3 The total population of 5.9 million The total land area of 12,573.85 km 2 including urban area of 2,414.96 km 2 The total GDP of RMB 123.56 billion Total RMB 3.5 billion for I.R.T

4 Air quality in 2002 INDEXDustPM 10 NO 2 COSO 2 VALUE 17.1T/km 2 0.09mg/m 3 0.023mg/m 3 0.54mg/m 3 0.035mg/m 3 The circumlittoral seawaters quality in 2002 unit:mg/l PollutantsInorganic-nitrogenPetroleumPhosphate Value0.1900.0210.0114

5 Pollution Control Programs 1.Industrial Relocation and Transformation 2.The Smoke and Dust Control on Regional Area and Automobile Tail Gas Control 3.Sewage Treatment and Solid Waste Disposal 4.Ecological Demonstration Zone and Nature Reserve Establishment 5.Greening and Planting

6 The measures and methods taken for industrial relocation and transformation ◆ Making transformation in the new areas ◆ Shutting down ◆ Incorporation ◆ Shrinking the large scale enterprise ◆ Selling

7 The relevant policies and regulations ■ Forming a group of leadership ■ Simplifying the approval and examination procedure ■ 40-70 % of all removal fee and land sale fund ■ A series of preferential policies of local revenue exemption

8 The key enterprises of relocation and transformation ● The product of noncompetitive ability,obsolete equipment,low profit ● The heavy pollution enterprises ● Locating in the business area and residential area

9 Some digital statistic for decreased pollutant through industrial Relocation and Transformation in 2000 PollutantDecreased AmountDecrease Rate Waste water21.69 million tons6.7 % COD40 thousand tons68 % Petroleum92.6 tons20.4 % Gas4.7 billion m 3 4 % Dust1148 tons5.3 % Smoke2385 tons6.7 % Solid waste19.5 tons7.6 %


11 The circumlittoral seawater quality has obviously been improved. Especially, the main pollutants declined evidently in the southern marine area. mg/L Oils Inorganic nitrogen mg/L

12 The air comprehensive pollution index had dropped down from 7.88 in 1990 to 4.44 in 2000 The air comprehensive pollution index in Dalian air comprehensive pollution index

13 Cooperation Projects with Japan ◎ A survey on Dalian Environment Demonstration Zone ◎ Dalian Environment Model City Project ◎ Clean Production

14 General Conclusion ★ Pollution Decrement ★ Environment Quality Promotion ★ Rational city layout and economic development ★ Close relationship with Kitakyushu ★ Towards Sustainable Development

15 Welcome to Dalian Welcome to Dalian

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