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Agenda 4/3/2014 Turn in the Ch 16.1 Study Guide Book Check

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1 Agenda 4/3/2014 Turn in the Ch 16.1 Study Guide Book Check Open Notes Quiz Homework Complete 16.2 Study Guide Bring Your Textbook to class tomorrow! Study for the test Ch Next Tuesday, April 8, 2014 SPS7.Students will relate transformations and flow of energy within a system.. What you need to know – page 6 The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can be converted from one form of energy to another. What you need to be able to do–page 8 Identify energy conversions that take place in a system and identify the types of energy. Question of the day – page 10 Identify the energy conversions that takes place when a hot air dryer is used. Physical Science

2 Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology
Agenda 4/2/2014 Cardiovascular Respiratory System Study Guide This Test will be Tuesday April 15, 2014 Senior Project Part 2 Due April 28, 2014 Analyze, and explain the relationships between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems as they obtain oxygen needed for the oxidation of nutrients and removal of carbon dioxide. Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology

3 Honors Physics 4/2/2014 Agenda
NASA Writing Challenge The Sound and Light Show Due Friday Senior Project Part 2 Due April 28, 2014 Standard –SP2 Students will evaluate the significance of energy in understanding the structure of matter and the universe. Honors Physics

4 Advanced Scientific Research - Robotics
Agenda 4/2-2014 App Writing Challenge Classroom Competition Robots Due March 28 Show me what you’ve got. Robot Articles Due 4/4/2014 Griffin May Fling April 26th and April 27th. Standard – Communicate scientific investigations clearly and accurately Advanced Scientific Research - Robotics

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