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Skeletal organization

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1 Skeletal organization
Axial Skeleton Skull Hyoid bone Vertebral column Thorax Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral girdle Upper limbs Pelvic girdle Lower limbs

2 Axial Skeleton Longitudinal axis of body 80 bones Strong
restricted movement

3 Functions of Axial Skeleton
Support and protect organs Attach to muscles that support head, neck, and trunk Attach to breathing muscles Attach to muscles of appendicular skeleton

4 Bones associated with skull
8 cranial bones 14 facial bones Bones associated with skull 6 auditory Hyoid bone Vertebral Column 24 vertebrae Sacrum Coccyx (tail bone) Thoracic Cage 24 ribs Sternum

5 The skull

6 The skull 22 bones of the skull Infantile Skull 8 cranial bones
Encloses and protects the brain Provide attachment for muscles Air-filled sinuses to reduce weight 14 facial bones 7 Associated Bones Infantile Skull Incompletely developed Fontanels: soft spots that aid for birth

7 The Skull Bones: CRANIUM
8 Cranial bones Occipital Foramen magnum Parietal 2- Right and Left Frontal Temporal 2-Right and left Mastoid Process Sphenoid Ethmoid

8 Cranial bones Coronal Suture Mid-Sagittal Suture Lambdoidal Suture Squamous Suture

9 The Skull Bones: FACIAL
14 Facial bones 2 each for the following (Rt/Lt): Maxilla Palatine Nasal Inferior Nasal Concha Zygomatic Lacrimal 1 of the following: Mandible Vomer

10 The Skull Bones: ASSOCIATED BONES
6 Auditory ossicles Found within temporal bone External Auditory Canal Malleus (hammer) Incus (anvil) Stapes (stirrup) 1 Hyoid bone

11 The vertebral column

12 The vertebral column Stretches from skull to pelvis
Composed of vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs Cervical (C1-C7) Smallest of all Comprise the neck Atlas Axis Thoracic (T1-T12) Articulate with the ribs Lumbar (L1-L5) Largest of all Support the weight of the body Sacrum (5 fused) Coccyx

13 5 regions of Vertebral Column

14 Vertebrae Components Scoliosis Kyphotic Lordosis

15 General Vertebral Anatomy



18 Different vertebrae

19 Sacrum and Coccyx


21 Thoracic cage

22 Thoracic cage 12 total ribs Ribs 7 true rubs 5 false ribs
Directly articulate with the sternum 5 false ribs Do not articulate with the sternum 2 are floating

23 Function of Thoracic Cavity
Protection of heart, lungs, and others Attachment of muscles for respiration, vertebral column, pectoral girdle, and upper limbs

24 Thoracic cage Sternum Manubrium Body Xiphoid process
Anterior midline of thoracic cage 3 parts Manubrium Body Xiphoid process

25 Sternum Manubrium Articulates with collar Bone and first rib
Attaches to ribs 2-7 Attaches to diaphragm and an abdominal muscle


27 Angle Tubercle Neck Head (Vertebral end) Tubercular Body Sternal End (attaches to Costal Cartilage)


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