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Introduction to 3GPP2 cdma2000 Technology Workshop Ms. Jane Brownley Chair, 3GPP2 Steering Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to 3GPP2 cdma2000 Technology Workshop Ms. Jane Brownley Chair, 3GPP2 Steering Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to 3GPP2 cdma2000 Technology Workshop Ms. Jane Brownley Chair, 3GPP2 Steering Committee

2 3GPP2 is… The Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2) is the Partnership Project for global cdma2000 specifications including: – cdma2000 air interface – Access network – Core network including the legacy circuit switched network platform, the new All IP network platform, and the evolution path between the two. – Testing – Inter-technology – Security

3 3GPP2 Organizational Partners (OPs) ARIBAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses (Japan) CCSAChina Communications Standard Association (China) TIATelecommunications Industry Association (NAFTA countries: USA, Canada, Mexico) TTATelecommunications Technology Association (Korea) TTCTelecommunication Technology Committee (Japan)

4 Other 3GPP2 Partners Market Representation Partners (MRPs) CDMA Development Group IPv6 Forum Small Cell Forum CDMA Certification Forum Observers ETSI TSACC ITU Individual Members: More than 40 companies

5 3GPP2 Goals Develop timely market-driven specifications for cdma2000 standards family, including 1x and High Rate Packet Data (HRPD); Specify most efficient utilization of radio and network resources for highest capacity voice networks; Specify data services for highest throughput and maximum data rate; Develop innovative mobile voice and data services with maximum interoperability with IETF (Internet) specifications and other wireless technologies; Plan network evolution to support migration to and interoperability with new system capabilities.

6 3GPP2 Structure Steering Committee Chair:Jane Brownley (TIA) Vice Chair:Yoshinori Ohmura (ARIB) Vice Chair: Daejung Kim (TTA) Vice Chair: Wan Yi (CCSA) Director:Victoria Mitchell Steering Committee Chair:Jane Brownley (TIA) Vice Chair:Yoshinori Ohmura (ARIB) Vice Chair: Daejung Kim (TTA) Vice Chair: Wan Yi (CCSA) Director:Victoria Mitchell TSG-AC TSG-SX Access Network and Air Interfaces TSG Systems Aspects and Core Networks TSG Organizational Partners Market Representation Partners

7 3GPP2 Structure (continued) TSG-SX Systems Aspects and Core Networks TSG-SX Systems Aspects and Core Networks TSG-AC Access Network and Air Interfaces TSG-AC Access Network and Air Interfaces WG-1 Requirements, Architecture, Numbering, OAM&P (1), and PMT (2) WG-2 Multimedia (MM) WG-3 Packet Data Service (PDS) WG-4 Security (1): Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning (2): Program Management Team, WG-1 Applications & Services/Work Planning WG-2 Signaling & Protocol WG-3 Physical Layer WG-4 Performance WG-5 Access Network Interfaces

8 Agenda Agenda ItemPresenter(s)Time 1Welcome, Introduction to 3GPP2SC Chair, Jane Brownley5 2cdma2000 Air Interface EvolutionEd Tiedemann30 3User servicesDavid Crowe5 4Cards and ProvisioningDoug Dunn5 5Network Improvements (SON, GREEN)Jane Brownley5 6 Enhancing M2M Communications using 3GPP2 Technologies Linhai He, George Cherian20 7Interworking 1x and HRPD with LTETony Lee15 8Numbering Issues and EIRGary Pellegrino10 TOTAL PRESENTATION TIME 95 Q&A20 Closing Remarks Workshop Chair, David Crowe 5 TOTAL120

9 Notes for Webinar Participants Due to the number of attendees at this webinar, all attendees have been muted automatically. If you have any questions, please use the GoToWebinar question panel to enter them at any time. If your question is specific to one (1) of the presentations, please put the subject (e.g., air interface) at the beginning of the question. The webinar leadership team will be monitoring the question panel and will attempt to respond to all questions: – The easier questions we may be able to respond to in the same question panel. – The questions which would benefit the greatest number of participants will be included in the Q&A session after the presentations. – We will attempt to respond directly after the webinar to the questions that cannot be addressed during the session. Copies of all presentations will be available at for your access and download at your convenience. A recording of this webinar will be also be posted there as soon as possible after the completion of the webinar. Any questions after the webinar may be directed to the SC Workshop Planning AdHoc Chair, David Crowe, at


11 OP Responsibilities The responsibilities of the 3GPP2 Organizational Partners (OPs) include the following: Joint ownership (including copyright) of the Technical Specifications Maintenance of the 3GPP2 Partnership Project Agreement (PPA) The right to dissolve the 3G Partnership Project 2 The right to validate new Partners to 3GPP2 Approval of Organizational Partner funding requirements Development and maintenance of the 3GPP2 Working Procedures Document (WPD) Management of human and financial resources assigned to the 3GPP2 SC

12 SC Responsibilities The responsibilities of the 3GPP2 Steering Committee (SC) include the following: Management and allocation of resources to TSGs Handling of appeals from Individual Members on procedural matters Final adoption of Technical Specifications and Reports Confirmation of TSG Chair and Vice Chair assignments Approval of existing TSG ToRs (Terms of Reference) not requiring additional funding or changes to the guiding scope of 3GPP2

13 TSG-AC Responsibilities The “Access Network and Air Interfaces” Technical Specification Group (TSG-AC) is responsible for: – The radio access part, including its internal structure – The specification of interfaces and transports between the radio access network and core network, as well as within the access network – Interworking between 3GPP2 technologies and with other radio access technologies

14 TSG-SX Responsibilities The “System Aspects and Core Network” Technical Specification Group (TSG-SX) is responsible for: – Development of service capability requirements for 3GPP2 systems – High level architectural issues, as required, to coordinate service development across the various TSGs – Specification of the core network part of 3GPP2 systems

15 Thank You! For more information, please visit LINKS About 3GPP2 Partners Members Committees Specifications Procedures News/Events Contact us How to join Related Links 15

16 cdma2000 ® is the trademark for the technical nomenclature for certain specifications and standards of the Organizational Partners (OPs) of 3GPP2. Geographically (and as of the date of publication), cdma2000 ® is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA) in the United States.

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