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The USA’s Cold War in Asia Exam focus: AQA Elizabeth Francis Philip Allan Publishers © 2016.

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1 The USA’s Cold War in Asia Exam focus: AQA Elizabeth Francis Philip Allan Publishers © 2016

2 The USA’s Cold War in Asia This resource provides suggested techniques for approaching questions in AQA 2R: The Cold War, c.1945–1991. It will look at the following questions: ‘The outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis was a triumph for John F. Kennedy.’ How far do you agree with this view?(25 marks) ‘Berlin repeatedly led to tension between the East and West between 1945 and 1961.’ Explain how far you agree with this view.(25 marks) ‘It was the failure of Kennedy’s cautious policies towards Vietnam from 1961 that forced escalation of the war in 1964.’ Explain how far you agree with this view.(25 marks) ‘The increasing protest movement in the USA in the late 1960s and early 1970s was the main reason for the failure of the USA in Vietnam.’ How far do you agree with this view.(25 marks) Philip Allan Publishers © 2016

3 The USA’s Cold War in Asia Philip Allan Publishers © 2016 ‘The outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis was a triumph for John F. Kennedy.’ How far do you agree with this view?(25 marks) The answer must be balanced and consider the stated outcome in the question in relation to President Kennedy, but also any others considered triumphant within the outcome of the crisis, for example, Khrushchev and Cuba. Begin with a brief introduction to show the examiner your grasp of the question — including your knowledge of the outcomes of the Cuban Missile Crisis — and place the crisis in the context of world affairs at that time. Move on and assess the validity of the view that the outcome of the crisis was a triumph for Kennedy — consider all of the key reasons, such as the avoidance of nuclear war, the removal of Soviet missiles etc., and make a judgement as to whether you think it was a triumph for him. In the second part of the essay you must now refute the claim in the question. This could be done by showing how the crisis was a not a triumph for Kennedy. For example, the fact that Cuba remained a Communist country. You could also consider the other victors in the crisis — Khrushchev and Castro. Again, you must make a clear judgement linked back to the question. Finally, you must give a conclusion which focuses on whether you agree or disagree with the statement in the question, and why.

4 The USA’s Cold War in Asia Philip Allan Publishers © 2016 ‘Berlin repeatedly led to tension between the East and West between 1945 and 1961.’ Explain how far you agree with this view.(25 marks) A simple way to approach this question while giving a balanced argument is to provide a two-sided ‘yes’ and ‘no’ response, which addresses arguments to show that it did repeatedly lead to tension, and an opposing view to show that it didn’t. Begin by showing the examiner your knowledge of the period 1945–61 and the flashpoints which made Berlin an area of tension. Make your judgement clear from the outset. Use the first section of the essay to show how Berlin was repeatedly an area of tension from 1945 to 1961. You can draw upon examples such as the dividing of Berlin as part of the Potsdam Agreement, the Berlin blockade and airlift, and subsequently the decision to build the Berlin Wall. Demonstrate your knowledge of these episodes, but more importantly assess the extent to which they caused tension between East and West. Move on in the second section of the essay to demonstrate your understanding of when between 1945 and 1961 there were periods of relative calm in Berlin. You could also highlight where and when during this period that other areas caused tension, for example Hungary in 1956. Finally, in your conclusion, make your judgement. State whether you agree with the proposition made in the question.

5 The USA’s Cold War in Asia Philip Allan Publishers © 2016 ‘It was the failure of Kennedy’s cautious policies towards Vietnam from 1961 that forced escalation of the war in 1964.’ Explain how far you agree with this view.(25 marks) This essay requires a two-sided, balanced response. A number of factors, in addition to the ones in the question, can be argued. In your introduction show the examiner that you understand the context of the period and the point at which the USA became involved in a full-scale war in Vietnam. Highlight the factors you will discuss (the failure of Kennedy’s cautious policies, the increasing unpopularity and subsequent assassination of Diem, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident etc.). Begin by discussing the issue given in the question. Demonstrate your knowledge of what Kennedy’s cautious policies had been and how they had been perceived to have failed. Make a judgement as to whether you think this was the most important reason for the USA escalating its involvement in Vietnam. Then move on to discuss the other reasons you have identified, each time arguing whether you think they were the most important reasons for the escalation of war. Finally, in your conclusion, make your judgement clear, based upon all the evidence given. Make sure you refer back to the stated judgement in the question and show the examiner whether you agree or disagree with this.

6 The USA’s Cold War in Asia Philip Allan Publishers © 2016 ‘The increasing protest movement in the USA in the late 1960s and early 1970s was the main reason for the failure of the USA in Vietnam.’ How far do you agree with this view.(25 marks) This question requires you to consider a number of factors which led to the USA’s failure in Vietnam and its ultimate decision to withdraw. In your introduction state which factors you will be discussing as well as the protest movements. These might include the failure of US tactics, the USA’s inability to win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people, the failure of Vietnamistion etc. After your introduction move on to talk about the protest movements and the extent to which this led to US failure. You could look at which different groups were protesting and why, and consider some of the more significant events such as the Kent State massacre. Make a clear judgement about whether you think it was the most important reason. Then move on to discuss in turn each of the other factors you identified in your conclusion. Make it clear within each paragraph the extent to which you think the factor was responsible for US failure and compare it to the role of the protest movement. In your conclusion make a clear link back to the question and state whether the protest movement was the most important reason and why.

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