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News Quiz 13.12.13. 1.Who could face longer jail terms under new guidelines due out next year in England and Wales? 2.Eight properties were raided this.

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Presentation on theme: "News Quiz 13.12.13. 1.Who could face longer jail terms under new guidelines due out next year in England and Wales? 2.Eight properties were raided this."— Presentation transcript:

1 News Quiz 13.12.13

2 1.Who could face longer jail terms under new guidelines due out next year in England and Wales? 2.Eight properties were raided this week in the Bristol area~ what was found? 3.What were washed up on a shore in Southampton? News Quiz!

3 4.What is this picture representing? What else can you tell me about this story this week? 5.After new evidence this week revealed that sever damage can occur to the bladder, what have government advisers suggested? 6.Who will not stand trial accused of raping a girl under 16 because of his deteriorating mental health?

4 1.Sex offenders ~ 2.Three men, all believed to be victims of slavery ~ 3.Body parts ~ 25290912 25290912 4.Rigby Murder trial ~ Adebolajo stated it was not murder because "I am a soldier of Allah" and "this is a war“ loved extremist network al-Qaeda ~ 5.Ketamine 'should be made Class B‘ ~ 6.Rape accused, 97, not to stand trial ~ Answers

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