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Engagement for Mental Health ZEST breakfast June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Engagement for Mental Health ZEST breakfast June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engagement for Mental Health Reform @FrankGQuinlan ZEST breakfast June 2015


3 Context for a discussion on mental health 4th National Mental Health Plan 2011 budget initiatives (some just commencing – eg PIR, ) 10 year roadmap for mental health 1 st & 2 nd National Report Card on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

4 Context for a discussion on mental health Other major reforms Commission of Audit NDIS Welfare - McClure, Forrest Housing Federation Whitepaper

5 Context for a discussion on mental health National Mental Health Commission Review of Mental Health Services and Programmes Medicare Review Primary Health Care Review



8 Context for a discussion on mental health High public awareness Reform fatigue Widespread recognition of the case for reform Ongoing fiscal constraint Policy “hair trigger” in the Senate Fractious Federal/State relations

9 7 Point Plan for Mental Health Reform Agree on what we want to achieve Be clear on who is responsible for what Increase consumer and carer participation and choice Match services to need Get the incentives right to drive better outcomes Invest at the right time to achieve greatest benefit Keep government and services accountable

10 7 Point Plan for Mental Health Reform Agree on what we want to achieve Be clear on who is responsible for what Increase consumer and carer participation and choice Match services to need Get the incentives right to drive better outcomes Invest at the right time to achieve greatest benefit Keep government and services accountable

11 Engagement for reform Consumer and carer voices must be united Consumer and carer voices must be organised Representatives bodies such as NMHCCF must take a lead (NMHCO?) Grassroots voices must also be engaged Never underestimate the power of a well placed anecdote Consumer and carer voices must be timely

12 Engagement for Mental Health Reform @FrankGQuinlan ZEST breakfast June 2015

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