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Grouped according to their ending 1. –er 2. –ir* 3. –re 3 Groups of Regular Verbs.

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Presentation on theme: "Grouped according to their ending 1. –er 2. –ir* 3. –re 3 Groups of Regular Verbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grouped according to their ending 1. –er 2. –ir* 3. –re 3 Groups of Regular Verbs

2 I. Conjugate: take off –ir ending from the infinitive, and add endings ex. Finir finir

3 je finnous fin tu finvous fin il finils fin elle finelles fin

4 je finisnous finissons tu finisvous finissez il ils finissent elle finitelles

5 II. Reg. –ir infinitives (9) 1. choisir = to choose 2. finir = to finish 3. grossir = to gain weight, get fat 4. maigrir = to lose weight, get thin 5. réussir = to succeed  à un examen = to pass an exam 6. obéir (à) = to obey 8. punir = to punish 9. réfléchir (à) = to think over 10. remplir = to fill 11. bâtir = to build 12. guérir = to cure

6 Examples: 1. We gain weight when we eat a lot. 2. He loses weight when he play soccer. 3. Which shoes are you (s./inf.) choosing? 4. They’re finishing their tests at noon. 5. I succeed when I study often. 6. Who is filling the pool?

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