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In vention Guidelines St udent initiative - YOU choose a project that is meaningful to you, on a scale you can manage. Help from others is acceptable.

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Presentation on theme: "In vention Guidelines St udent initiative - YOU choose a project that is meaningful to you, on a scale you can manage. Help from others is acceptable."— Presentation transcript:

1 In vention Guidelines St udent initiative - YOU choose a project that is meaningful to you, on a scale you can manage. Help from others is acceptable. Individual or Family Team projects are acceptable. Meaningful - Your project solves a problem, and/or enhances the quality of life. Creative - You brainstorm throughout the project. Reflection - Keep a timely and thorough log of the work you do. During each step of your project, write about what you're thinking and doing, using words, drawings, and/or diagrams. Pr esentation Guidelines Vi sual: a model or prototype of your invention, along with a description, in addition to a poster or presentation board that represents your work and learning. Oral: A two– to three-minute oral description of the problem, invention process and how your invention works to solve the problem. The deadline for your completed project, your log and visual presentation to school is Monday, February 5.

2 Prototype—projects where students produce a working model of the invention that really works. Non-working Models—inventions that would be too expensive or technical to build. Entries in this category must include drawings (2-d and/or 3-d) and a scale model of the invention. Adaptations—inventions that take an existing idea and improve on it. Must include prototype or model. Games—may include original computer, sport or board game devised by the student. Rules, and illustrations must be included for all games. Computer games should be submitted on disk as well. Other—Inventions that don’t fit the above categories must be cleared through a teacher conference early in the process.










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