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Compare and Contrast Soil By: Madison. Abstract Planning Materials:  Two Planting Pots  Potting Soil  Plain Soil  Compost  Miracle Grow®  Plant.

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Presentation on theme: "Compare and Contrast Soil By: Madison. Abstract Planning Materials:  Two Planting Pots  Potting Soil  Plain Soil  Compost  Miracle Grow®  Plant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare and Contrast Soil By: Madison

2 Abstract

3 Planning Materials:  Two Planting Pots  Potting Soil  Plain Soil  Compost  Miracle Grow®  Plant Bulbs (I chose Purple Star Flower Bulbs)  Shovel  Water

4 Planning (Continued) Procedure: 1. Gather materials. 2. Label plant pots A and B. Both pots should be the same size. 3. Put potting soil and Miracle Grow® into Pot A, put plain soil and compost into Pot B. Be sure to put an equal amount of soil into each. 4. Plant Flower Bulbs. One into each pot. 5. Water and place pots in sunny area. 6. Water and care for plants each day. 7. Observe plants every day for three weeks. Collect data every week.

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