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Checking Account Simulation Record the following transactions correctly in your register and correctly fill out checks or deposit slips as directed.

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Presentation on theme: "Checking Account Simulation Record the following transactions correctly in your register and correctly fill out checks or deposit slips as directed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Checking Account Simulation Record the following transactions correctly in your register and correctly fill out checks or deposit slips as directed

2 Transactions Date: 5/1/2012 Deposit $500.00 into checking account Withdraw $35.00 from ATM for lunch this week Pay $55.00 Cell Phone bill to YouTextIt Purchase $40.00 in Gas using Debit card at GOGO Juice Service station Deposit $20.00 Check from lawn mowing and $25.00 check for babysitting into checking less $15.00 cash for movies.

3 Transactions Date: 5/8/12 Use a check to pay $20.00 FACS Course fee make check payable to SHS Debit purchase at All Mart for Mother’s Day Gift $ 25.00 Your tire went flat pay $10.00 to FixThatFlat for patch. Paycheck from McDave’s was direct deposited into your checking account in the amount of $140. Write a $45.00 check to Clothes R Us for a new bathing suit.

4 Final Transactions Date 5/9/12 Pay $200.00 Car payment to Wheels-R-Us Pay $70.00 car insurance to Safety Plus Ins. Withdraw $50 from ATM to pay for ½ of your new tennis shoes. Parents will pay the rest. Cash gift from Grandma for grades this 9 weeks $20.00 + Check for $25.00 Baby sitting Deposit it. Write a check to SHS for T-shirt $10 Statement shows ATM transaction fee of $3.00

5 How did you do? 5/1 Deposit$500.00$500.00 5/1 ATM – Lunch$35.00$465.00 100 5/1 YouTextIt$55.00$410.00 5/1 Debit Gas$40.00$370.00 5/1 Deposit$30.00$400.00 101 5/8 SHS$20.00$380.00 5/8 Debit-All Mart$25.00$355.00 102 5/8 FixThatFlat$10.00$345.00 5/8 Paycheck$140.00$485.00 103 5/8 ClothesRUs$45.00$440.00

6 Continued $440.00 104 5/9 Wheels R Us$200.00$240.00 105 5/9Safety Plus$70.00$170.00 ATM 5/9 Shoes $50.00$120.00 5/9 Deposit $45.00 $165.00 106 5/9 SHS – T-shirt$10.00$155.00 5/9 FEE$3.00$152.00

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